Mountain Bigfoot Shows True Strength

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Hunt Camp Video 6
After two weeks of surveillance we finally got a good hit at the shelter site on a remote trail camera.
This thing is one weird looking fur bearing beast, whatever it is its back after authorities extracted human remains from what appears to be a stash site.
Update as of April 11 2024, beast has not been seen since the time of this video, search continues. The human remains have been identified as Donald Bigcalf, refer to video within channel "Bigfoot Attack In The Canadian Rockies".
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That’s weird that it kept going back to the site where the human & animal remains were! Maybe it got really pissed off at a hunter going after it’s prey…??? One can only speculate tho. Hope they can ID the person thru dental or DNA… I’m sure that some loved ones would appreciate that. Makes you wonder how many other human remains are out there…


I live in East-Central Ohio and used to go to a place called Dillon Lake State park to unwind in nature. One day I was down by the lake and felt someone watching me. When I looked up into the tree line What/Who I saw was easily 9 feet tall covered in dark brown hair and standing upright, it was half way up the hill side to my left by the 100 stairs I had to climb to get back to my car. Not gonna lie I was F'ing terrified. I ask God to protect me and almost ran up those steps. It didnt try to come near me it just turned and walked back into the woods. I never told anyone but my kids. I dont go there alone anymore.


It's not just that it picked up the tree from the end, it's that it had complete CONTROL of the tree as it picked it up and swung it..


Us born 'n' bred Alberta boys are right proud of you, Sonny. You're putting this province on the map with the most clear, concise Bigfoot video footage since Patterson & Gimlin. You post only what needs to be posted. 'No long visual and vebal lead-ins to a disappointing anti-climax. 'No two hour National Geographic travelogues of stunning mountain scenery, misty forests, and well fed mountain men with big foots ... er, feet. Keep up the good work!


This big fella is showing his domination and territory


It’s the old stomping ground for it, it won’t give it up. That’s it showing you this is mine- throwing those giant trees like toothpicks. Be very careful, guys…


By far the best proof on video out there


Bro you have some VERY VERY INTERESTING capture here… I see the face clearly and it even displayed how strong it is… No man in a suit can move a broken tree the way that thing did! Unbelievable capture mate you have my attention for sure!!


It is uncanny how its face is so human like…


Um I’ve seen a lot of Bigfoot videos and none of them were like this. All you have to do is zoom and and consider the weight of these Trees and strength you’d need due to their length and weight. Best video I’ve ever seen. I can I again these not getting millions in views


I live in the deep woods of the Okanagan. Backing onto 100, 000 acres of absolutely nothing but trees and rocks. Now I haven't seen anything sasquatch shaped, but the old timers in the region ALL believe. They claim they live underground. To be honest, that would really be the only way that "creatures" that large could remain unseen. In my region and even on my property it would be super easy to conceal a fairly large opening with relative ease, there's just so much going on in the woods, it's hard to spot anything. I was hiking up the path not too long ago, stopped because it felt like my eyes weren't focusing right, turned out I was standing in about 30 deer that had just gone still and silent and blended into the environment. Right up until one moved, then they all went nuts and started tearing off in all directions. If it was a hidden door, I could be right on top of it and never know.


I watched it torque that jumble of lumber along like a caterpillar. When it picked up that 10 inch log with 3/4's of the weight forward, I knew the power of this being is un "effingbelievable"! No disputes here, a real Sasquatch, world caber toss record destroyer!


Noway thats a human. No man on earth can grab that log and throw it with one hand. especially that long of a log. These human hybrids definitley posses ungodly strength.


No human on earth has that kind of strength to pick up a tree that big. This is some unbelievable footage.


Wow! I'm laughing but that is a pure sign of happiness and joy that this terrific proof. But damn they are dangerous.


Remarkable footage!!!

I’ve watched this over and over! You could tell it was a water logged heavy ass tree and the beast just casually tossed it with no effort whatsoever. Also, I zoomed in on his hands when he was about to throw the tree and his hands are as wide as his forearms! Remarkable is an understatement.


I thought you could easily see a human face around 0:18 second mark (zoom in), but what human can toss trees around like that?


If that is a guy in a suit, that is the tallest, strongest guy with the bushiest beard I’ve ever seen…I feel like that guy would be hard to miss in the community or surrounding areas walking amongst the population if it is a hoax…


What I see is a kneeling being that first checks the area and then proceeds to pull a tree with its root ball a few feet, toss it way like it's nothing. Then, it takes a twenty foot long debarked tree, swings it quickly upward and slams it to the ground all in a matter of 30 seconds. No human could do this and I don't care which one you chose to try it...


This just made years of intense weight training feel completely pointless
