Down to Earth - retrieving our true human potential | Rolf WInters | TEDxZurich

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This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. "Rolf’s leitmotif in life has been the search for ways to unlock our hidden human potential. Initially his focus was on an individual level. In his thirties he experimented with it in the corporate world on a group and organizational level. After turning forty and having become a father of three, his scope shifted and he became intrigued by the hidden human potential in our society, of humanity as a whole. In their search for essence and to find a new perspective on life Rolf his wife Renata decided to break away from society, together with their children. For five years they lived with different tribal communities around the world. In his talk he will share his insights and will try to answer the following questions:

What happens if you break away from a successful career and comfortable cosmopolitan lifestyle and leave behind everything you ever worked for in exchange for a simple and uncomplicated life in connection with nature? Live life day by day with no plan other than to learn?

What happens to your beliefs and understanding of the world, to your perspective on life, when you expose yourself and your family to the (ab)original communities of the world; those who live a life in balance with the natural world, unaffected by man-made law or man-made religion?

And what is it like to come back into the ‘real world’ after these five years? What is your truth, what are the lessons learnt? And how on earth can you live that truth and apply these lessons in our modern ‘civilized’ world?"

Rolf was born and raised in the Netherlands, where he studied business economics. He enjoyed an international corporate career up till the age of 30. Having experienced the extremes of the corporate spectrum, from a thriving culture to self-destructive one, were elementary in finding his true passion in life: Uncovering our true human potential. He founded a leadership consulting & coaching firm aimed at generating healthy and vibrant entities with a spirit. The unorthodox approach he took paid off and for a decade he worked at boardroom level for some of the largest corporations in the world.

About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
Рекомендации по теме

Deze GEWELDIGE film zou op ALLE scholen voor voortgezet onderwijs GETOOND en BESPROKEN MOETEN WORDEN, deel uit maken van het curriculum ! Want ONDERWIJS gaat, in mijn visie, om VEEL MEER dan rationele kennis verzamelen, enz. Is iemand al op het IDEE gekomen de Minister van Onderwijs dit voor te stellen ? Ik zal mijn best daarvoor doen !


Quote: "So Humble, So Light Hearted, Carrying No Anger, No Judgement, No Drama" End Quote Subtract the Ego


GEWELDIG! Veel stof om na te denken. Wij zijn trots op jou Rolf.
Jirko & Kveta Jira


Conecting to with our Hearts is the key to it all





Geweldig en dankbaar dat ik hem vandaag heb gezien.🙏🏻


Prachtig. Wat zou het mooi zijn als we dit durven te leren.
Hoe zou de wereld eruit zien als we hiervan een fractie gaan leven? Ieder voor zich en met elkaar?
Fijn dat er mensen zijn zoals Rolf en Renata die ons voorgaan. Dank jullie wel en ik zie uit naar de film.


Wonderful talk! Loved at 8:55 “leadership is about how you work with each other in the moment “


Thank you for this documentary. I really loved and appreciated the wise words of the 'gatekeepers'. Will you be producing the words they shared in your documentary interviews - in a book?


Actually it's not about to have right answers but it is about to ask right questions in order to find the real meaning of


Last time I was truly at ease with myself was after taking my first dab. 98%THC, flavored, through a vape on my way to work. Before that would be around 7th grade


de film gekocht maar kan hem niet bekijken. iemand tips?


Pretty impressive to speak for 24 minutes without saying ANYTHING. This talk was so irritating and so ego driven that it's put me off going to see his movie. It's such a pity, given that the subject matter deserves so much better.


Saw the movie, but hardly could find any wisdom in it. Some vague utopian solutions without any clue how to realize it. Just medicine man bringing themselves into a trance state through repetitive rhythms, mantras and drug use. Very sad to see with hardly any progress in their communities. Indeed spiritual but with a different spirit behind it, and without any discernment to test the spirits. Worshipping to the creation rather than the Creator, which is a guaranteed way to be deceived, but that's what you get if you start out on the premise of cosmic coincidence and random copying errors instead of creative intelligence.
