Ursula Keller plenary talk: The Previously Unbelievable Performance of Ultrafast Thin Disk Lasers
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In her plenary talk, "The Previously Unbelievable Performance of Ultrafast Thin Disk Lasers," SPIE Fellow Ursula Keller of ETH Zurich (Switzerland) notes that the average power scaling in a thin disk geometry supports more than 10 kW from Yb-doped solid-state and less than 100 W from vertical emitting semiconductor lasers. Both lasers can be passively mode-locked with SESAMs pushing the performance frontier into a regime previously assumed to be impossible.
A Yb-YAG thin disk laser generates femtosecond pulses with more than 80 μJ pulse energy without any external pulse amplification. With semiconductor thin disk lasers (also referred to as VECSELs and MIXSELs) we can obtain (less than)1 W average power with both femtosecond and picosecond pulses and a pulse repetition rates ranging between 100 MHz to 100 GHz.
Keller joined ETH Zurich as a tenured professor in physics in 1993 and currently serves as director of a large Swiss national research program (i.e. NCCR MUST). She received her PhD in applied physics from Stanford University in 1989 and a Physics "Diplom" from ETH in 1984. She was a member of the technical staff (MTS) at AT&T Bell Laboratories in New Jersey from 1989 to 1993.