Mia Grace

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Mia Grace was our beautiful baby girl. She was diagnosed with anencephaly at 17 weeks. A rare condition where your skull does not form properly on the top of your head leaving your brain exposed. We were told to abort immediately. We actually were not given much choice and we’re bullied by doctors and medical people, for our decision to choose life. We chose life. Knowing she was fearfully and wonderfully made. We finally found a doctor willing to do a c section knowing that would be the only possibility of her surviving, even if only for a few minutes. She was born on August 16th 2021. Very blue. They did not think she’d make it 20 minutes, or even to my chest. They put her on my chest and my Husband and I just put our hands on her. Told her how much we loved her. How much Jesus loved her. How fearfully do wonderfullymade she was, and this beautiful girl turned pink. A beautiful shade of pink. We took her home and loved her deeply and she loved us all back deeply for almost 3 whole weeks. She passed away in her mommas arms surrounded by family September 4th 2021 at 4:15 pm. We did not receive the medical care for our baby we should have. Everyone wanted us to just let her die. They didn’t. See her worth. They didn’t see her as a child. As a baby. As valuable. I hope I’m sharing this video people will see the joy, the personality, the love and life she had and shared with us. That others will choose life. That nurses and doctors will see this and choose to see babies like her as babies. As loved and valued just as much as any other child. She lived a life full of joy and love with us. We will never regret fighting for her. I would choose to do it 1000 times again for her. Her life was worthy. Her life was beautiful. Her life was loved and she too loved deeply. She now rests in our heavenly Fathers arms. Perfectly healed in a way she wasn’t here. We hope you choose life. We hope you choose Jesus. He’s the only thing that makes sense in this life. Even in the deepest sorrow. We are full of joy, knowing she is being loved by Jesus. Allowing Him to carry us through.
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It’s nice to hear you laugh with joy, if even only for a short time. You were blessed with trust even though it’s painful to say good bye. She made me smile. God bless


I had no idea that babies with this issue could be so responsive and that any newborn could smile and show so much joy! Mia certainly was happy during her very short life, you bonded and she oozes with happiness!


I've been in nursing for almost 3 decades... A million times over, you did the right thing!!! Her value, her life, and her love are priceless!! You gave her a yourself a chance to know life.. to be held, to smile and giggle, but most of all to know love! I'm so proud of you!! As hard as it was to let go, it was just as amazing to have her for that short time and create those memories, to feel her and touch her... Thank you so much for sharing your story and courage! 🥰


I was pregnant with identical twins and one of them had this condition. I remember seeing a specialist who advised me to terminate the pregnancy because more than likely, both babies wouldn’t survive. I chose to continue the pregnancy and although my baby girl Angel only lives 30 minutes after birth, her sister survived and I’m so glad i followed through with the pregnancy. She’s 12 now and is as beautiful and healthy as ever. She’s also very smart and multi talented in many ways. At school she wins many awards and is at the top of her class academically in all areas. Sometimes I wonder how life would be if she’d lived. God has his reasons for taking her home though so I will not question his will.


Thank you for sharing. My cousin had a beautiful boy Christopher who had this as well. She and her husband tried to have a child for 10 years and finally became pregnant. The doctors insisted that they abort. She said " I prayed for this child for 10 years and I will not tell God that I refuse to be his mother". She found a new doctor and they had Christopher for 3 months. He giggled like your Mia. He was beautiful and loved as all babies should be. 💜


I love to hear the parents laughing and enjoying this time with their precious daughter, but WHAT really got me was the little grunts and the smiles that Mia was making, that was priceless! Those are the moments you guys will always carry in your hearts, and you will be her parents again someday in heaven. I believe that with all my heart.


As I sat at a fu neral of a baby girl with the same medical issue but left this earth before at her birth. The pastor said something that struck with me for life. This was it's better to experience life within the womb or short life on earth, then to never experience that life at all. What a joy to have her even for a short time. Her last breath brought her to heaven made whole. What a blessing and what beautiful story. The giggles and smiles will be imprinted on your heart!💜


She is pure joy, almost as if her soul knows that soon she will be back in heaven and at peace


My son looked exactly like Mia. Back then, I was only the 4th one known in the world (36 years ago) with a child that survived. Now, I have seen more cases. My son only lived for 27 hours and I enjoyed every minute. Loved seeing your daughter! Lots of blessings.


I can’t believe how she is actually smiling and interacting with her momma at such a young age ! My baby just turned 7 weeks and we are just now getting smiles like this that are responsive smiles. What a beautiful little
Soul Mia was. God bless her and her family. I am so sorry for your lost but know she was such a beautiful blessing while she was here.


I battled with depression during my last pregnancy, at 5 months pregnant I contemplated abortion. I cried out to the Father, literally prostrated on my bedroom floor sobbing, his grace was sufficient for me. I felt it in my being, he gave me comfort and relief. My daughters name is also Mia Grace. And she will be 8 years old this year. May Yah Bless you ♥️ thank you for sharing her precious life.


She was beautiful, I hope she didn't suffer in the time she was alive. Amen.


I couldn't have said it better, "choose life" because EVERY LIFE has worth! I'm so glad she was able to go home and love and be loved for that long!! Praying for you and your family!


For as tiny as her body was she looks so wise beyond her short young life. It’s nice to see her smile so big that it lit up the world. I do not have to tell you how lucky you were to have her, she already did. She is so beautiful and so precious. Thank you for sharing her with us. ❤️🙏🏻🌸


What a happy little ray of sunshine she was. Thank you for sharing your Mia's story with us. Such the personality she had her smile and giggles are contagious. You can tell she feels the love you give. Beautiful angel.


My daughter Maddison would have been 26 tomorrow. She died from Anencephaly and only lived an hour and twenty minutes, but I am so grateful for that hour and twenty minutes. Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment with your Angel.


Mia is absolutely adorable!!! She was so lucky to have such a loving mother even though it was for such a short time <3


I understand why doctors advise terminations. The child might suffer. Care costly. Its an individual choice. She seems to soak up the love and care and then parents were able to share what time they did have. Her little smile is heartwarming... ❤️


I ran across your video and I'm so glad I did! She made me smile and my 2 year old grabbed my phone and said "pretty Bebe". As a mom who has experienced infant death (our first born passed at 3months from SIDS) I just wanna hug y'all! Much love from Texas


These children don't survive. I guess I can understand the religious aspect behind not terminating the pregnancy, but it's never a choice I would make. RIP.
