AMEN: The God Who Became the Universe

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In this video, the ideas surrounding Ra, Amon Ra, also known as Amen or Amen Ra, are explored. Is it possible that this Egyptian god was an enemy of Yahweh?

Gaining significant recognition in Thebes during the New Kingdom era (approximately 1570-1069 BCE), Amun became one of the most influential and celebrated gods of that period. For many generations, his worship dominated Egyptian religious practices.

The essence of his name translates to "the concealed," "unseen," or "enigmatic in shape." Uniquely among the pantheon of Egyptian deities, he was revered as the Supreme Being, embodying every facet of existence. For those who study Zecharia Sitchin's Anunnaki theory, understanding the history and significance of Amun-Ra is essential.

To contextualize, according to Sitchin’s theory, Ra, also known as Marduk in Babylonian lore, becomes Amun-Ra, the deity of invisible presence in Egypt. This fusion of Ra with Amun creates a complex understanding of Amun-Ra’s significance in Egyptian religion and mythology.

Yahweh, the god of the Hebrew Bible, often condemned the worship of other gods, including Amun-Ra and other deities from the clans of Enki and Enlil. This historical context provides a rich backdrop for understanding the trajectory of Amun in ancient Egyptian history.

From the Pyramid Texts (circa 2400-2300 BCE) referencing Amun as a regional deity of Thebes to his significant rise during the New Kingdom era, this video traces Amun’s evolution. We also explore his association with other gods, such as Montu and Atum, and his eventual fusion with Ra.

The video delves into the significant events in Amun’s worship, including the religious reforms of Akhenaten and the subsequent restoration of traditional Egyptian faith by Tutankhamun. It also highlights the continued reverence for Amun through the rise of the Isis cult and the eventual influence of the Amun priesthood during the Ramessid Period.

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If I can find a God who can solve all my problems and answer all my prayers. I would pledge my allegiance and absolute servitude to him.


My Anishnaabe Bodawadmi people located in MI have teachings that we enter the world through the eastern door and exit the world through the western door. Also have a catastrophic flood teaching of how our world started. Crazy how similar the ancient oral and written history are!


Your show is the 5Star! The voice, pictures, and splendid research best of all. I can watch this for hours. It confirms much of my own research over many years. You have put it into a wonderful encouraged. We are all grateful for the brilliance put forth!


Your shows just get better and better. 😊


I dig you on the Avatar analogy. It's almost like our bodies are avatars that get inhabited by us over and over through time. And that the Aten, All, Absolute, Brahma, the One, or however many other names for it throughout various cultures, is indeed the field of energy from which all reality originates. If one choose to call it "God, " than so be it.


You did a huge research to come up with such fantastic videos concerning our way back past.This so very old past was twisted and torned until we no longer understand the "who", "what", "where"and "why".You have brought us a ray of light upon the ancestors of today inhabitants of Earth, our beloved and unique planet.


Absolutely LOVE your channel!! The narrator has an amazing voice in presenting the historical account. Thank everyone who works to bring this forward…


I am just so amazed at your level of getting these together. They are awesome ! Your work deserves very high praise . Right now I am so appreciative of having seen all your videos and listened to such scholarly information, which offers a cohesive approach to these findings ! I At 74, I’ve learned so far, that Aliens of some sort do exist, and how we humans got to where we are today — and what all that information will mean.Thank you so much for doing this. Your work deserves an award, it is so beautifully laid out! The narration is excellent, as well, and I can’t wait to see what else you have !! Thank you !!🫠❤


Hello Lucas, I hope you are doing well and smiling 😊 Thank you kindly for all the hard work, travel and all involved in your impeccable videos of research, that you bring to life. I have been telling the Anunnaki histories myself and ppl are so hard headed here in the USA when it comes to religion and the atheist King James best selling book called BIBLE. Thank you greatly for your help in bringing awareness to our True hidden history. Especially that of the ancient writings of which many think ZS wrote his books out of his mind thoughts...rather Z Sithchen never translated any of the ancient tablets. ZS merely copied the already translated materials that George Adam Smith and a handful of others had translated many years before ZS was even born. Would be great to see a break down video to explain in depth to those who don't understand what all Z S is actually responsible for bringing to us via his books. If one can see and hear the true narratives of the books, one will understand fully of how it all parallels the biblical writings and gives validation of where we are in present time. Thank you Lucas 🙏


I find your videos of great interest. Thank you for making them. I can see that you have done alot of research. I continue to look for information to help explain my own personal experience. I appreciate your work and hope you will continue to make videos.


Hello darkness my old friend....
Damn CMEs took us out again...


I find it extremely interesting how much preparation went into the burial rituals that we have available from that time. It's as if a proper afterlife includes nothing less than transportation within the realm, food, clothing, a complete guide to a proper death that has been ignored. No wonder we re-emerge increasingly confused, lost and schizophrenic...


Awesome presentation, I thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you for sharing. I am new to your channel and am really enjoying the content. Thank you for sharing your in depth research, it is truly appreciated. Sending love from Ontario Canada. ❤️🎶🍁


Thank you our father enki, and our mother ninmah! Thank you for life! Thank you for saving us from the flood!


I don't know who your narrator is, but he is fabulous in voice sounding. Pleasant to listen to. Not speaking fast or toooo slow, just right!


It’s crazy to finally learn about our past lives and how much it effects our lives today. Thoth caused many problems, they were about to trap all souls in all dimensions from being able to get back to God. A true prison universe.


Amazing videos.
Most of the information, I had connected myself, from previous readings and books, and here I hear my "inventions" as someone else's thoughts and facts in some kind, and it really really good, to know there are people following and thinking the same way. Also, much more new information, falling to make me understand, the big picture, or at least to scratch a corner of it. Wondered videos, I hope we find it out, all one day ❤


Some theories hypothesize that the Annunaki were some survivors of a terrestrial civilization preceding ours, very technologically advanced and almost extinct following a catastrophic event (Meteorite fell to earth? Huge volcanic eruption? An ice age? A war between them?) . According to some writings, this very ancient civilization dates back to at least 30, 000 years ago. With the last Ice Age around 8000 BC. the residual ice would have melted, raising the seas by at least 120 meters and swelling the rivers, submerging and destroying human settlements and cities built by humans before us (e.g. "universal Flood and Atlantis in the dialogues of Plato's Timaeus and Critias 360 BC ).The survivors (Adrahasis, or Noah etc...a name for each religion) were called Gods, because they taught the survivors who were now deprived of everything to start all over again from a new beginning, and so we find a very ancient first new civilization after the Neolithic period, which strangely already had knowledge of everything... constructions, astronomy, writing, mathematics... and beer...: the Sumerians and the ancient cities of Ur and Eridu (present-day Iraq more or less). multidisciplinary teams made up of scientists, engineers, geologists, archaeologists, anthropologists, are actually finding in the samples taken deep in the ground, a period in which there was a lot of water especially in the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, Mesopotamia and the Black Sea!


always the first ten to watch 😅, congratulations


In my opinion it is so open said in our face in the re-naming of Jakob by the 'angel' who gave Jakob his new name: Is-Ra-El! They read from right to left in that time: El Ra Is ...
