The Truth about Fatima... Today

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The true message of Fatima is often overlooked, but it is critically important for the future of the Church and the good of souls. In this video we take an objective look at the happenings at Fatima and see how we can make changes in our own lives for the good of souls.

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I was a Marine stationed in Japan in the early 2000’s, it was around the time when a USNavy sub accidentally sank a Japanese fishing boat. There were many protesters. I was on guard duty on a Sunday and wearing my Rosary. My Rosary suddenly broke and fell down my shirt, I untucked my shirt and it fell to the ground before I caught it. When I bent down to pick it up… someone shot at me from the tree line next to my post and the bullet would’ve hit me in the head had my Rosary not broke.🙏🏻


Pray for me as a future priest! I'm seminarist! Thanks for your true apostolate.


When I was pregnant with my son I went into labor 2 months early. I was admitted to the hospital and they were having trouble getting the contractions to stop. I was terrified and that night I prayed to the Blessed Mother non-stop. At 5 in the morning the contractions suddenly stopped, and 6 weeks later my beautiful healthy son was born. He is 27 years old now and is a wonderful young man. I think about the gift that Mary gave me that night every day, but this video made me realize that I am not doing enough to show my thanks. I do recite the Rosary but not every day and I know now that's got to change. Thank you.


I started praying the Rosary on Christmas day. The next day I prayed that my father and aunt would reconcile. In January he received a letter of reconcile from my aunt. They had not talked in 8 years.


I was introduced to the 3 children at Fatima when I was 26 years old and there was not any catholics in my family. I did not convert to Catholicism until I was 36 due to my family's anti catholic views. Since then we have had many conversions in our family


I will be coming into the church this Easter. I'm head over heels in love with the Catholic Church. I love God more than anything and I'm praying the rosary as often as possible. I believe in everything the Church teaches. Every time I set foot in a Catholic church I feel more at home than any where else


After watching your videos I started praying four Rosaries per day and I feel great inner peace before that I was struggling to live in peace . Thank you so much God bless you and your family 🙏❤️❤️❤️


You are truly working for Jesus, thank you for saving souls


You got me praying more when I found your post. 3 years praying rosary daily instead of weekly i even pray 1-7 rosaries a day now. You really are helpful.


He is right about the rosary, when I do the rosary I feel peace in my heart and I can't really explain how different I feel when I do the rosary.


So easy, yet so hard.  The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41). Jesus and Mary, I can't do this without you, give me strength to do it.  I ask this in Your name, Amen.


I was on a highway to hell as well. Lord, help me live a life of sanctification and penance for myself and other sinners. Please help me Lord.


Just found you! God bless you! 91 year Catholic all of my life.


After years of living as if God didn't exist, came back to the church but severely wounded by my own sin, started going to daily Mass, praying the Rosary and going to confession regularly.. By the Grace of God I was able to overcome addiction to pornography, lust and it's been 15 years.. And Our Lord keeps Blessing me and my family.. Viva Cristo Rey


👍We need this constantly being reminded and being inspired... Because the world that we live in keeps us busy and distracted .


I've read that before Jacinta died she was covered in sores, thin, pale and gaunt and that as she died, her face filled out, took on a rosy glow and her body gave off the sweet fragrance of flowers. And she's incorrupt...of course!! What an example!


Wow! You have blessed me AGAIN with such a wonderful talk Gabi. This was for me the BEST mother's day gift I could ask for. I'm Consecrating myself to Mary on Monday May 13th - tomorrow ( YAY!!) This I decided to do after listening to one of your talks on consecration to Mary. After mass today I had lunch and took a nap. When I woke up, while still in bed, I reached for my phone and this talk was on my screen... I've just listened to it and for me, it's a message from Mother Mary giving me a nod on my Consecration tomorrow. Gabi..I will ALWAYS pray for you for leading me to Mother Mary. From you I've learnt so, so much. Everything I've put in practice after listening to your great videos have made me a better Cathoilc. I could already see and feel my life change for the better as I went through the self retreat toward Consecrating myself to Mother Mary. I now faithfully recite the Rosary with my 10 year old son daily before we go to bed. Even if I pray it during the day, I still pray again with my son at night...Something I've not done in my entire life, yet I've pronounced my self a devout Catholic... I'm learning so much.The eyes of my heart are open. She is REAL...THANK YOU GABI! God bless you and remember me in your prayers tomorrow May 13th. Mother I come your humble servant...use me as you wish.


I recently started praying the Rosary 4 times a day. I didn't understand that I would be able to pray all 4 mysteries, but instead I would pray the same mystery for that day 4 times. Even that has changed me in such a way that I can't explain. I find myself wanting to pray the Rosary, and longing for it, and for the Holy Mother. I just signed up to become a part of MI and to consecrate myself to the Holy Mother on May 13th. Being Brazilian/Portuguese, I felt May 13th would be a fitting day.


Thank you Blessed Mother for this reminder of what really matters most. Being with God eternal.


Thank you Gabi, I'll definitely share this with my children. May God have mercy on us.
