PHP Form Handling Tutorial - GET, POST & REQUEST Global Variables | Learn PHP Programming

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````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` In this video we're going to take a closer look at how form handling works in PHP. We're going to look at GET, POST and REQUEST global variables and see how to work with them when the form is submitted using either method.

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Рекомендации по теме

Really helpful video! Finally understood how to use the php theorie I'd watched and read so far.


You made it so simple for me to understand. Thank you!


Hello clever! Your biggest fan from Nigeria! Thanks for the multiple file upload to database tutorials, I think you should also try working with JavaScript in your php .Do something, maybe form validation with js to start with, then maybe could work with ajax in php, would really help and come in handy.


Really helpful video, I'm just a bit confused where the video says submit variables are not visible with GET in the URL, yet Submit=submit is visible in the URL in the video example? Any help welcome!


Brilliant. What line of code can you add to this PHP form in order to display the values from the text box and checkbox in HTML TABLE?


Is there a way to check data before its posted? As if stamens checking the $post dost stop post taking place...


pre_r($_POST) shows me error: Undefined function 'pre_r'.intelephense(1010)


pre_r doesn't seem to be in the documentation of php


Hello... when I click the submit button, I get "error 403, access forbidden You don't have permission to access the requested object."


Works Great for me, and I learned many things I've been missing in my limited php knowledge. Thanks so much, and I like the way you teach, I will be looking for more of your videos.


Great work Mr. Clever. Can you perhaps start something on Java. An online examination app maybe.


Explain how to fetch multiple images from several tables using a mysl statement. Ie you have a products table and a images table


Please make a video to prevent retainig the value when back button is pressed and to prevent resubmission using that back button data that was retained. I hope you knew what I meant / thanks


This is easy. React js is complicated.


Did your mom really name you Clever Techie? Okay now don't lie to me.


You certainly know what you are talking about but WHO IS THE AUDIENCE you are talking to here ?
If you are trying to TEACH someone how to do this then this is not the video for that. You are NOT teaching.
If you are talking to people who already know HTML5 & PHP ( which this video sounds like ) why are you showing them this THEY ALREADY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING or are you just posting this video because you want personal experience presenting videos ?


This video helped me get through a Try Hack Me room! Thank you so much for this video!


Hello, 9:30 you moved the part of the php to a new file. But you left the php at the bottom of the html. Why? You cannot move all the php to the new file? Or you just forgot it?
