(New) what is globalization? 4 drivers of globalization | International Business

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We live in an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world. Globalization touches every part of our lives, from the products we buy, to the food we eat, to the ways we communicate with one another. Globalization is also tied to some of the other biggest issues we face in the modern era, including climate change, trade, terrorism, and the spread of deadly diseases. Being intertwined with countries and markets all over the world has both benefits and downsides, so globalization has both proponents and detractors. No matter which side you’re on, globalization is simply a reality of modern life. Therefore, it’s critical to understand what exactly globalization is. How it changes the business world. And what factors drive those changes. In this video, I will discuss these questions with you.
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It wasn't until this video that I realized how much globalization affects just about everything in our everyday lives. The video gave me a good understanding of how it works and how each market is different.


To see just how impactful globalization is in today's world is mind blowing. This is a great video to introduce globalization and get a quick understanding of how prevalent it is today.


I didn't realize how globalization has changed the world we live in. It is interesting today that we are so interconnected and I can only imagine what the future will look like. This video does a good job of explaining how certain markets work and why working together globally is important for businesses.


This video really showed what this class has to offer. Globalization is something that is integral to everybody. It plays a very large part in the us market.


The breakdown for globalization makes it so easy to understand and retain. Business School 101s videos are by far one of my favorite ways to really comprehend what is being taught!


This video was my first introduction to International Business. I found learning about the (4) drivers of Globalization very easy with this very detailed and concise video. Great way to learn.


Globalizations touches every part of our lives, Globalization refers the increased interconnectedness and interdependence of people and countries, I learned a lot from this video, about how globalization effects our world .


Watching this video on globalization was truly eye-opening. What stood out to me the most was the comprehensive explanation of how interconnected our world has become and the profound impact this has on various aspects of our lives. I learned how globalization influences everything from the products we buy to the food we eat, and even the ways we communicate. The discussion on how globalization is linked to major global issues like trade, terrorism, and the spread of diseases was particularly enlightening. Understanding these connections has deepened my appreciation for the complexity of our global economy and the importance of being informed about these dynamics. This video has impacted me by highlighting the necessity of staying aware and engaged with the global forces that shape our daily lives.


This is my first international class, so it was very refreshing to learn about globalization. Globalization is important for businesses to be able to expand their business.


Globalization is an essential topic for those studying business but it can be difficult to understand. I appreciate the simplicity of this explication of the markets and production and the breakdown of the four drivers.


Watching these videos really help me with the learning process. The 4 drivers of globalization give an informative and general description of globalization as a whole.


Globalization is a huge concept with a lot of important content surrounding it, and this video is ver y comprehensive. It is a great first chapter for this class, and it introduces International Business in a great and inviting way.


Whenever there is any discussion of business involving a company based in the United States, I find myself never considering the global economy that a lot of companies participate in. Globalization has been around for decades and I believe that in a post-pandemic world it will only grow; varying degrees of infected people, lockdowns/precaution measures, and other political and economic factors make it easily conceivable to imagine companies contracting more of their essential functions and services overseas, whether due to political pressures or simply economic constraints. In accounting we often discuss the cost of things but rarely look into external factors driving decisions and this video did so greatly.


This video is great because it drives home the importance of globalization and how the world need to continue to adapt and grow better together.


I think understanding globalization is paramount in understanding the way the world works in our current day and age. The factors that drive those changes are also one of the most important parts of globalization and this video does a great job at going into depth into each of these factors and their significance.


I did not realize how much globalization affects everything we touch almost. When the pandemic hit, I got a better sense of how much we are affected. This video explains it even further. From food we eat to the electronics we use, we are so interconnected. I am thankful I understand better how we benefit from globalization all over the world.


I was truly impressed by starting the semester with this video. While I've heard about globalization many times before, no one has ever clearly defined its scope for me until now. This video not only set the tone for the semester but also gave me confidence that this class will be enlightening, offering more than mere textbook definitions. The practical examples of globalization emphasized the profound significance of international trade and this field in the business world. I found this video to be exceptionally valuable!


This is my first international business course so I am excited to see what it has to offer. This video showed me how small decisions can affect the world in big ways. A simple product we buy can affect our whole country so it was really fun to get a glimpse of how our world works a little bit. This builds on the foundation for the rest of this course and I look forward to the next building block!


In this video globalization is thoroughly explained. The four drivers of globalization included in the video calls for easy understanding. This being the first video of the semester was a great start. I love how all of the videos include the visuals as he is talking and explaining the topic.


This video was great for the beginning of the semester. The video portrait how the whole world relies on each other using globalization. Globalizations brings markets together, but also creates some issues, so there is good and bad within it.
