Microsoft Project 2013 Tutorial - The Workspace

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In this video, learn the different aspects of Microsoft Project 2013 start screen and workspace.

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Toby: Hello again and welcome back to our course on Project 2013. In this section, we're going to take a quick tour of the Project Workspace. Now many of the aspects of this will be covered in a lot of detail as we go through the course but I just want to familiarize you with some of the terminology and some of the parts of the screen that are going to be very important in the early stages of the course.

Now the first thing to say is that I've already mentioned this start screen and there is an option as we'll see a little bit later on to suppress the showing of this start screen and for example to go straight into the last project that you were working on. Now I normally have the start screen enabled. It's a pretty useful way of starting up Project in my opinion. But that may not suit you and as we'll see later when we look at Project Options, there's a lot of customization that's possible with the Project workspace. When you've been using Project for a little while, then it's worth taking a little bit of time just to make sure that you've got it customized to your particular preferences and requirements.

Now on this start screen, we've got an area on the left that lists the recent projects that we've worked on. We haven't worked on any projects yet so that area is empty. There's an area below that that says Open other projects which gives us access to a pretty standard Windows browser to open other projects either on this device or available from this device. You may for example open a project on a network or on an attached device, maybe a memory stick or a DVD or something like that.

Now in the top right hand corner of the start screen, you have a pretty standard set of buttons. There's the Help button that we've already talked about and then the normal Windows buttons. So there's a minimize there. And because I'm in normal view, there's a maximize button and, of course, a close button. And with each of these there's an available screen tip just to remind me what each of the buttons does.

Now bear in mind that different people will have acquired their copy of Project 2013 in different ways, maybe registered for a trial version, purchased a version. There will be a Microsoft account that you are currently running Project 2013 under, and the account that I'm currently running it under is shown there. You can switch account. You can run your copy of Project 2013 under different accounts and one of the reasons for doing that would be that you may run it under a different account that gives you access to additional or different services from Microsoft. Now looking at the possibilities here is outside the scope of this course. So for the purposes of this course, I'll assume that you have a Microsoft account that you are running this under and that it's shown there and you can see mine in the top right hand corner of the start screen.

Now let's look at these big buttons on the start screen. The one that's highlighted at the moment is blank project and you'll use that a lot when you start a new project from scratch. So you're really just going to start typing the details of a project into Project 2013 from a blank starting point a bit like starting a new document in Word. To the right of that, the next option there is New from existing project. Now if the sort of projects that you manage tend to be a little bit repetitive, you may find that there's a pattern in your projects and you like to take say the last job that you did, the last project you managed and use that as a starting point for the next one.

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Very interesting and the instructor makes easy to learn ms project 2013.


You made great videos, bro! Many thanks....


you are a legend mate. amount of effort you put on for all your playlists are tremendous. Further, your voice is awesome.


Straightforward very explanatory, I only wish I could download this and watch on the go on my IPad. I'm signing up for your courses . Thank you


Many thanks one of the best tutorial presentsion i have ever seen.


Great video... It make my life as Planning engineer newbie easier...thanks for sharing...


Thanks for the Post.Will work on being gud at MS project..Just bought the Software..


great toturial video...
thx  for sharing


you got very nice collection of videos....
IM personal


Great video!, Can you kindly advise what video presentation software are you utilizing? Your prices for the courses you teach at your website simonsezit - is nice and affordably priced. Are all courses provided by the same instructor? or are there different instructors providing them. Your video did not put me to sleep like many other instructors do via video based courses I have taken, your voice came out clear and concise, and the flow you utilized was great.


You only have 16 lectures on Project 2013 here Toby?


Just talk to kill time, skip to the next video.


Zero value video - just killing time with repetative talks
