Glyphosate - A Global Health Threat, with Stephanie Seneff | The Empowering Neurologist EP. 127

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In our ever-increasingly polarized world, there’s one topic of interest in health and wellness that really seems to call out clear differences in opinion. Glyphosate, the herbicide and active ingredient in products like Roundup, has been touted by some as being a wonderful and safe way to rid crops and even homes of pesky weeds. And clearly, those who feel positively about this chemical are being heard as nearly 150,000 tons of glyphosate are sprayed onto American crops every year. That translates to about one pound of glyphosate for every person in our country. And this chemical makes its way into the water we drink, the agricultural products we consume, and even the air we breathe.

On the other side of this debate are those who feel that glyphosate represents a significant threat to our health. Researchers, like our guest today, look at the available science and have concluded that, by a multitude of mechanisms, glyphosate may well be responsible or at least contributory for a vast array of human ailments, from autism to dementia to autoimmune disease, and so many more.

This debate extends to the confusion surrounding the safety of GMO food. For the most part, the genetic modification of plant seeds is undertaken so that the newly developed plant is not damaged by the weed targeting action of glyphosate. This allows farmers to spray GMO crops with glyphosate, kill the weeds, and still harvest the undamaged plant. But while there may or may not be concern about the specific genetic modification of the plant, this whole scenario sets the stage for glyphosate to appear in our foods and throughout our environment.

That said, this is a fundamental nuance to the GMO debate that absolutely must enter the discussion.


Stephanie Seneff, PhD is a senior research scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She has a bachelor’s degree in biology with a minor in food and nutrition, and a master’s degree, an engineer’s degree, and a PhD in electrical engineering and computer science, all from MIT. She has authored over three dozen peer-reviewed journal papers on topics relating human disease to nutritional deficiencies and toxic exposures. She has focused specifically on the herbicide glyphosate and the mineral sulfur. Dr. Seneff splits her time equally between two homes in Hawaii and Massachusetts. She is the author of Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate is Destroying Our Health and the Environment (Chelsea Green Publishing, June 2021).

Twitter: @stephanieseneff

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Roundup and pesticides killed my Mother, a Farmer, who utilized this poison. They know what it does and they do not care.


I’m totally organic for 6 years now and I got rid of psoriasis it works


My grandparents grew their own veggies and canned them. Wholesome and pesticide free. There was a room in the basement full of the home canned food. I saw little value in all the work they put into that, but now I’m beginning to see.


Stephanie Seneff, I never miss a chance to hear you speak and your intelligence and good heart always shine. Everyone should know what you teach.


In our street alone… my husbands brother autism, the neighbours kids on both sides autistic, my mother asthma, grandmother psoriasis, I have celiac disease, my son type 1 Diabetic, lady across the road cancer! I’m a school teacher I can’t explain how many health concerns and extreme behaviour we are seeing. My sister and I both had gestational diabetes, my father…depressed. Our Neihbour suicidal. Like what the hell I can keep going, grandfather double bypass, grandmothers sister cancer and osteoporosis, her husband cancer and type 2 diabetes, this is just in my immediate circle same town. But I could keep going….reflux, gall bladder removal in three cases, Parkinson’s disease in our extended family. Other families I know include, dementia more than one case. This needs to stop!!!! Worrisome indeed. I asked my grandmother if she had this much Ilness in her young life. What do you suppose she said. A big fat NO!


Loved this! I was buying meat and raw milk from a man in Ohio. My first question to him was whether or not his products were organic. He told me that getting the certification was very expensive, but other than grass fed there was no GMO or chemicals in the feed. He then proceeded to tell me about an experiment he did when GMO corn first came on the market. He fed it to his pigs. After telling me that pigs are the closest to man in the animal world he then told me that within 3 months the breeding cycle in his pigs changed. At that moment he stopped, and never used, again, any GMO products. He said if it changed his pigs that fast he wasn't giving it to his animals, his family, or his customers. Isn't the reason that GMO plants can tolerate glyphosate is because the seeds already have it in them? I have been eating as much organic as possible for more than a decade, made my daughter eat organic when she was pregnant with my grandson and his first years were organic formula and other organic foods. He is scary smart and has a great sense of humor. I believe part of that is giving him food that is as clean of chemicals as possible. For at least 12 years I've been telling everyone that will listen how dangerous the GMO and roundup foods are. When they would tell me it was too expensive my response was that their illnesses as a result of these poisons would be far more expensive. Then I would tell them that the more of us that eat organic the more organic options we would have and the prices would come down. It has been so wonderful to see that this is exactly what has been happening. I wish everyone perfect, vibrant health! Thank you for this wonderful segment.


God Bless this woman. We are all insignificant cowards compared to her. May she prevail in her fight against this evil chemical and its producers.




Stehanie Seneff is a hero....thank you for fighting the good fight ! 😍


I walked into a hardware store with large doors, think huge type garage doors and there was a cross wind. Well something went up my nose no doubt because I fainted right away (perfectly healthy) Some of the other employees said they weren't feeling well either. Well, there was the roundup right in the cross draft, and so we all know that chemicals leak from plastic right? I couldn't play piano or paralell park for years! And not ever the same. Some of that roundup hit the blood brain barrier and almost took me out. Im glad so far Im not dead... yet. And I have told managers of hardware stores to put those gallon jugs AWAY from the doors as it was the draft that took it to my brain.


Two sources of wisdom, I could spend the day listening to both of you, thank you for sharing that valuable knowledge.
Thanks from my heart!


Twenty years ago, round-up told you on the bottle that it was carcinogenic. It also said not to use it less than three weeks before planting food plants in your garden. I was using it to kill the weeds before tilling the garden. If the labeling was required back then, they must have had the labeling regulation changed.


Both of you, please keep talking and educating people. It's only in the shedding of light on a serious issue that any change can take place. I read that there is a huge increase of Homesteaders across the U. S. focusing on growing their own animals and organic acreages, not only to feed their own families but for sharing and selling. I truly hope for a return to more farms that create and maintain quality soil that can maintain our future health. For 50 years my husband and I have gardened organically and never used weed killers on our lawns. As a result there are dandelions, buttercups, clovers and more scattered throughout our grass. I've always loved it.


I just discovered this lady -- I'm her new super fan. She explains things in EZ format to understand.


She is such a wonderful lady and an educated scientist! The work she is doing is helping all of us! TY!


Thank you for this. This absolutely must stop.


I think I'm extremely allergic to Glyphosate. At 31 I am randomly severely allergic to 95% of items at the grocery store.. wheat, corn, corn derivatives, soy, rice, quinoa, rye, barley and potatoes. If I have trace amounts I violently vomit. Before I pinpointed my allergies I would feel suicidal and extreme rage after eating rice and corn.

It's amazing that I can eat imported organic pasta from Italy.

I can't even have grocery store beef, bacon and shrimp as they are all sprayed with meat.


Tremendous video. I just saw the book yesterday. A search today brought me to this video. I am a witness that this is not anecdotal. It causes major neurologocal problems, as do other herbicide, insecticides, and plastic chemicals in our foods and water.


It is so great to see you two together! You literally are the two people who I heard point to these issues some years ago and I was able to put the two and two together.


My father died from NH Lymphoma in 1994. On his deathbed he said it was the Roundup. He had used it to kill poison ivy on his property. A very sad a painful death.
