How to set up IntelliJ idea, how to configure scene builder, and create simple java FX application.

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install IntelliJ idea by given link...

download JavaFX SDK, you may download that by given link. Remember the path where you downloaded.

download scene builder to make GUI for JavaFX application.

step 01
install intellij idea and SceneBuilder

step 02
create a project by clicking on the JavaFX application.

step 03
add libraries
-right-click on project file.
- go to the project structure
- go to the libraries.
- now on the upper left corner, you will "+" symbol click on "+".
- now go to the directory where you saved the JavaFX SDK and go to the lib folder
- now select all the .jar files
-Click on apply and ok.

step 04
set the module path.
- go to project structure
- you will see the VM option.
- now copy the module path is given below but you will give your path of the lib folder of JavaFX SDK here I have given mine.

and now you can run your application.
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