Want To Save Money? Switch To Linux!

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For many of us, the main reason we choose to run Linux is because of "freedom." But I think we are the minority. I think most people choose Linux because it is "free" as in "free of charge."




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I live in third world country, can't afford a PC, I only use these low specs 6 years old laptop, and Linux run smoothly in it, thanks to all passionate Linux developers you make my computing experience smooth and better


Special thanks to all the volunteers and developers working on and contributing to FOSS!


Running a 12 year old macbook pro, reused from an office that was throwing it away. Mint saved me money, and my job.


Yeah, my laptop is 13 years old and runs Debian flawlessly. I'm typing from it right now.


I'd say that "free as in beer" *is* a form of freedom. It's liberating you from being chained to a subscription service to a major corporation that you probably don't want and doesn't really do much for you except make your bank account lighter. I loathe the subscription model for modern software and it is one of the reasons why I love Linux so much. When I installed it, Mint never asked me to set up an account (other than root). It never asked me for my credit card number. That's the way computing SHOULD be.


Although linux and it's ecosystem is free as in freedom as well as is no cost, it's a good idea to remind people if they like the software and use it daily, they can donate a bit to the project. I kind of forgot about that and donated to the projects i use and love.


I use it because I do love it and have been using it since the literal beginning of it. I donate way more to FOSS projects than I ever would spend on buying software or computers.

But yes I see it. I work with a group taking older hardware loading it with Linux for families that lack the means to buy even a used computer.


Hi everyone. I've been using Ubuntu on a Microsoft surface pro 5 for almost one year. And works better than before with windows 10. No more windows for me.


obligatory obnoxious coment saying "its free as long as you dont count the time learning it" lol im a linux lover btw, and when we say free, behind the scenes the projects have many sponsors and donations, important to remind users about it


I switched from Windows 10 to Linux Mint because I was becoming unhappy with the extreme bloat of Windows but what pushed me over the line was when my computer could not upgrade to 11. That Linux Mint has been trouble free in the 90 days since I've upgraded has been a bonus.


That is one of the major factors for me. The windows path is one of constantly upgrading hardware and then third party software because they won't run on the new version of windows so then you have to upgrade. Just a constant flow of money going out. And I really hate this idea of constant upgrades. If a piece of software works, why do I need an upgrade? Why should I invest my valuable time to learn a whole new layout for new software to do the things I was already doing with unbloated software. I am loving linux.


My current laptop is ten years old. It came with Windows 8 w/ downgrade rights to use Windows 7. Swapped the hard drive out for an SSD a few years ago and it still feels like new. It can technically "run" up to Windows 10, but that compatibility abruptly and arbitrarily ends with Windows 11 just because it does not have a TPM 2.0 module. But that's okay, because it runs Linux anyway, and I see no end in sight with its Linux compatibility.


I have never really cared for laptops but I have gotten back into the laptop life for portability and to have more than just a desktop. And my laptop happens to be new enough that it supports windows 11. I tried windows 11 for under an hour and went back to my OS of choice for laptops, Linux Mint. <3


Yep, in my case, it helped saving a perfectly functional Mac Pro 5, 1 with dual Xeons, which now sits and runs quite happily at my desk. Still beats me how Apple dropped support so quickly for these perfectly capable machines, but hey, for us who don't give a damn about running macOS, there's a whole lotta life left in them.


On a 15 year-old Laptop, Windows cannot use the Bluetooth, touchpad scrolling, SD card reader, synch time, Brave browser...but they all work property like a rabbit in Linux.👍


One extra reason why Linux freedom is good: it lets you learn more about what an operating system does than what Windows lets you learn.
Zero cost was my first reason why I switched over, but then, as I started learning more about Linux, I also started to appreciate its true value even more.
Oh, and one more thing: Linux isn't born out of a corporate and obscene pursuit of profit at any cost like Windows is. Instead, Linux is the altruistic product of countless of contributors who just want the best out of everyday computing and don't mind sharing that with everyone else. I'm immensely grateful to all of them.


Ahh Linux gaming is finally i thing i can enjoy. I built a second gaming rig that only runs Linux. Running all kinds of games brings me so much joy. That was the thing that kept me returning to Windows. Not anymore.. just on time.. Windows 10 will be my last Microsoft Operating system.


The biggest selling point of Linux nowadays is personal privacy and the escape from Big Tech's surveillance (the Matrix).
I've switched relatively recently from Win to Linux, and at that time I was fed up with Windows, it was crashing, making the PC worse and worse.
On top of that Win10 was approaching EOL and Win11 required me to buy new hardware, so I can help Microsoft spy on me better. wtf?!
So, at that point I've already decided to abandon ship, but the thing is - I thought my PC has some hardware issue(s), so I was ready to buy new PC for the Linux.
First I just installed Linux to test it on the old PC (but still thinking I'd need to upgrade) - and guess what - zero crashes since I moved to Linux and up to this day.
Working fine and now I don't feel the rush to upgrade at this point. I will have to - maybe in 1-2 yrs. But Linux works just fine on my current 10+ yrs PC.


My main rig is a 15 year old dual core .. ssd and 8 gigs ram is fine ..more stable than my mac too


I'd been using GIMP, LibreOffice, and VLC long before switching to Linux both because those work better than the Microsoft alternatives, but also because Microsoft and Adobe adopted a subscription model, rather than a one-time sale of the software. The move to a Linux distro fitted right in with both of those motivations.
