The push to lift Assad-era sanctions on Syria gains momentum | Inside Story

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The push to lift sanctions on Syria is gaining momentum.
The new administration is engaged in a major diplomatic outreach...
And top European and Arab diplomats have discussed the issue in Riyadh.
So will the West be prepared to lift the restrictions, and help rebuild Syria?

Presenter: Neave Barker


Ammar Kahf, Executive Director of the Omran Center for Strategic Studies

Hind Kabawat, Director of Interfaith Peacebuilding, Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution at George Mason University.

Fadi Dayoub, Executive Director of Local Development and Small Projects Support, a Syrian NGO

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I speak in the name of all Syrians when I say we want all these sanctions to be lifted. They have only made our lives miserable and they've completely frozen our economy.


Lift the Sanctions Syria they deserve better Syrian people.


What's happening in Syria are not about democracy or human rights, it's about US, Turkish and Israeli interests.


I hope and pray that UN will do its part to persuade rich countries to lift sanctions against Syria. The UN must send humanitarian aid to Syria on basic services like food, water, clothing, shelter, power, etc.


Free Syrian people from unjustified sanctions!!! They will show you, their good intentions!!


In late 2013 I first proposed a "Modern Day Middle East Marshall Plan" which would include Syria, of course. The USD $500 billion figure required for Syria to develop post Civil War mentioned at the start of this video 00:43 is ridiculously excessive. The country doesn't need anything like that figure to get on its feet. Regarding Sanctions relief, Charles Lister is spot on about this subject. Read his recent counsel about this topic.

Some comments I have posted elsewhere regarding the way forward for Syria:

Philosophy has to be the master of Politics. Not the other way around. ⚠ Thus, if the philosophical parameters of Syria are sound, the foundation of the nascent state will be strong and the future of the country will be secured. All other aspects of a Nation State, such as its Defence-Military Strategy, Foreign Policy, Economic Policy etc. are dependent upon and must fall under and be subservient to the overall Philosophical umbrella/raison d'être. All the various details/ingredients of a proper nation state can be worked out if the initial foundation is correct.

The New Syrian Constitution should be based on the idea that the sovereign nation state of Syria will be based on:

Moderate, Traditional, Pluralistic Monotheism. التوحيد المعتدل، التقليدي، التعددي.

These four key pillars will act as the Frame of Reference/Blueprint/Template for the state that will optimally facilitate the General Welfare of the Syrian people over time.

FYI, I have been auditing and analysing Syria in great depth since 21/8/2013, which was a truly pivotal day in human history. I don't think there is anyone alive who knows more about the origins and trajectory of the conflict and what the solutions are. I have put in at least 5, 000 laser focused hours of work over a decade about Syria. e.g. From late 2013 to 2019 I composed in excess of 12000 tweets about Syria plus a multitude of comments and counsel to various media, agencies and leaders. (Data Mining all my past public counsel on Syria to condense my wisdom about the country is a worthy endeavour.)

A very small but important part chronology of my past counsel about Syria:

28/5/2015 Replying to Petra Stienen and Bente Scheller: " He, Bashar al Assad, can be Alawite Rep. for Tartus/Latakia. If not, Putin can give him and Asma a dacha in Vladivostok. Keys ready."

29/6/2017 "Syria must not be balkanised. Existing borders to remain. 14 governates. Damascus as the capital. Moderate - Monotheist - Pluralist"

9/7/2017 SYRIA The Vision - By 2030 it becomes possible to drive in peace and security from Jerusalem to Tehran, via The Golan Heights > Damascus, Jobar, Madaya, Beirut, Tripoli, Ain Dara, Aleppo, Raqqa, Palmyra, Deir Ez Zour, Mosul and Baghdad ! Over say 8 weeks. (A/C car in summer of course. 😎) What a road trip that would be! A Grand Middle East Tour ! Visualise - Verbalise - Actualise.

16/11/2018 I counselled to the US State Dept, POTUS, Erdogan, The Elysee and Netanyahu: "If Ahmad Shah Massoud had been given the right support, and not been killed of course, Afghanistan would be completely different since 2001. The closest and most hopeful approximation to Massoud in Syria now is Jolani."

23/1/2019 Replying to Charles Lister on Twitter: As I have explained, a professional, paid 42 person "Int'ernational Transitional Oversight Committee for Syria" is required. (To work with the 50 Syrian guests at the IPC + the MDMEMP + the 24/7 Ceasefire Monitors) Charles L. gets one of the seats on ITOCS2024. 👍

12/5/2023 Replying to Wassim Nasr at France 24: "Well done Wassim and your editors at France 24 who organised this trip with help from official channels. Blessings to the good people of Idlib Governate. There is a certain set of moves of the Rubik's Cube that can and must be made now to redeem Syria. I have been following the Syrian Civil War very closely since 21/8/2013, which was a key date in human history. i.e. The Sarin Attack on East Ghouta. P.S. Jolani is a viable leader of Syria in the coming years...

These recent comments by two other Syria watchers are relevant.

6/12/2024 @ Armin Rosen There is a case to be made, and I've made it here before, that the Syrian civil war is the most important event of the 21st century. Possible deadliest war, generated a host of other conflicts, produced ISIS and massive European refugee crisis...
@ Nick Gorges I make this argument all the time in my personal life to explain why people need to care about Syria. Have a good day.

Prayers for the peace, prosperity and security of Syria.

ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ


Adam Neira
Founder of World Peace 2050
Founded in April 2000
Paris - Jerusalem - Melbourne


The sanctions must be remove as soon as possible.


Only economic relief would save the new government


That's the curse of Iran and Russia


It will be great if Syrian sanctions can be lifted so Syrian economy can move forward.


"Wherever the Arab goes, he brings the desert with him." Winston Churchill


What about Palestine people they no Food no medicine. Free Palestine and free Gaza. Palestine Authority Mahmud Abbas Agent for Israel and America


Lifting the sanctions, human-centric approach, and rebuilding infrastructure like houses and basic services are the buzzwords. But don't also forget who will really benefit with the flood assistance. During the long years of dictatorship, many of the critical facilities and the market system were controlled and "owned" and "ran" by people in power. For instance, land and market places grabbed by people close to the past administration, people were forced to sign "sale" papers, and the market for generators cause poor electricity supply from the government. The speakers must unveil all these and the government, people, and international community must mount a decisive solution to the restoration of basic rights... not just restoring women and childs rights which are the obvious. Sadly, the resource speakers on your show who supposed to speak about these brushed aside the most important issues that matters to the community whom they are advocating for recovery.


The $500 billion dollars required to get Syria back on it's feet again will be provided predominantly by the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Organization of Islamic States, the European Union and the United States amongst others thank you very much and enjoy your afternoon ☺️☺️


Can take back Golan Hight this HTS jolani government. is going to give gift to Israel


Well i hope things will be better in syria but i still have my doubts. Turkey using those rebels now to attack kurdish fighters. the moment the US will remove troops from syria turkey will invade it.


The great joke! money and compromissions ..the fall of Syria.


I think we Trump if you have no history with benefiting the United States we should send you guys back to your country so you can build it and don’t ask for the United States support
