PROOF That Jesus Lied... #mainstreamreligion #sinners #religion

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It's no secret that lying is a sin in mainstream religion.

That's why it's surprising to know they haven't practiced what they preached.


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Not understanding what Jesus said does not make him a liar.


Jesus did not see this one coming @morgueofficial. It's like a practitioner practicing science or a mathematician practicing yoga. Jesus was relatively speaking on His Father's Behalf after the Transfiguration. Love you.


You don't understand what he was talking about. He was never referring to his physical body. He was referencing his soul returning after the transfiguration and after his death. His soul returned to the 12 apostles . He will return to you also when you abandon your ego and invite the love of the holy spirit. Seriously you must separate the physical body from the soul to understand what Jesus was teaching. The Greek pagans couldn't understand what he was talking about and things were misinterpreted.


Jesus did come back, when he rose from the dead. 😇🙏


Maybe they meant the verse to be read between the lines.
When it says coming into glory with how Angels. What if it's taking about all of us coming into a new awareness or consciousness.
When it says we will be rewarded according to what we have done. What if that's referring to the karma/past life karma that we're all seeing come to light in this life.
And when it says we will not taste death before the son of Man enters his kingdom. What if it's talking about the ego or the illusion that we're all separate. That we will not truly break the illusion until we (son of Man) enter into the Kingdom (unity)
Of course everything in the bible has to be taken with a grain of salt. I don't think the majority of it was ever meant to be literal but more metaphorical


Jesus said that some of them with Him would "see Him coming in His kingdom." In the following chapter, the transfiguration takes place, where Pater, James, and John (who were with Jesus) saw Jesus in His full heavenly glory. Jesus' face "shone like the sun" and his clothes were "white as light"; He communed with Elijah and Moses; and a voice from a bright could said to James, Peter, and John, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him." So on that mountain of transfiguration, James, Peter, and John saw Jesus in the full glory of His kingdom. So ch. 16 v. 28 is probably a prediction of this transfiguration event.


they mocked nicola Tesla about his alternating current, luckily for us this did not deter him as the world we live in today could not exist without it, however it's easy to see why most would mock the idea before it existed as it is human nature to be arrogant .


He is incapable of telling a lie. Pure perfection and goodness in all ways.


That’s also a deeper lie because according to the Bible they don’t care about the “works” done here on earth but will “reward” everyone for what they “done” 🤣😭🤣😭


They changed the Bible to say that he said that because does that even sound like something he would say?


We all like Jesus's message & examples;
Teaching, healing, forgiveness, lovingly ones enemies, and giving as much as humanly possible to those less fortunate. Most people do none of these things, but still think they are going to be redeemed, just because they believe in Him! Amazing!


If that verse is referring to the resurrection then it's not a lie, according to the story. He did return and that marked the end of one time and beginning of a new era.


Hey I just wanted to say thank you so much, I was Christian before this video and after watching this video, I am still Christian and this helped me increase my faith! Thank you so much!


How do you know it didn't happen? Non-believers are of flesh, so if it doesn't occur in a physical state, then they easily assume that something never happened or discredit the thing being discussed. Unless you're of the spirit, you will not understand anything in the bible or any of Gods work. You would need a balance of both spiritual and flesh to truly understand anything in the bible.

Just because the people who were present didn't physically receive anything doesn't mean that their "reward" wasn't their demons, curses, negative feelings, mental illnesses, ect... being lifted or cured, which is far greater than any physical rewards.


Dear Heart what I love about the church is they help the homeless and they try to feed and shelter them


Jesus is not a liar some don't understand the word


The Kingdom is WITHIN stop looking outside yourself for answers the answers to your prayers are answered FROM WITHIN!!! We are all GOD COLLECTIVELY!!!❤ You hurt someone you hurt YOURSELF THATS WHY HE TEACHES TO LOVE YOUR ENEMY AND YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS AND TO PRAY FOR YOUR ENEMIES!!!


If the spirit leaves the body before the body 'dies', then the spirit may not taste death even if the body does.


One common interpretation is that Jesus was referring to the transfiguration, which occurred shortly after this statement. In the transfiguration, Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him to a high mountain, and there he was transfigured before them, with his face shining like the sun and his clothes becoming as white as light. They also saw Moses and Elijah talking with Jesus. This event is often seen as a glimpse of the glory and divine nature of Jesus, representing the coming of the kingdom of God in a spiritual sense.


You are clearly a person who boldly speaks his mind. I pray that God will forgive you and touch your heart and take away your doubts in him so you can start speaking boldly for righteousness sake.🙏❤
