My Top 6 Flutter Freelance Habits

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I drastically improved my Flutter Freelancing by going from Guesswork to Precision.

By building more detailed technical outlines I transformed my business.

Here are 6 habits I picked up as a successful Flutter Freelancer:

- Write detailed technical specs
- Pay for tools that save me hours
- Document how I built a feature
- Track how long it takes to build a feature
- Template common work for easy re-use later
- Keep track of operating expenses
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This might be more personal but I feel many devs don't want to talk about it and it's key when you want to start with freelancing.

First is how to find the possible clients. At some point they will contact you but it's always hard to start. What are the best markets and websites? Specially for remote work.

Second is how to charge them. Someone can come with one idea and we can take the idea and break it down in pieces with small tickets but they want to know how expensive this is going to be for them.

Some of us have enough experience as a developers but some others don't have any experience at all in the client side. Right now, in a stable job, I don't want to take the risk to move to this without knowing if I'm going to find a single project to work on.


Can you explain the terms "operating expenses" please?


Great tips ❤. For reusing the common features do you use some tool e.g. bricks etc. Or do you just copy and paste stuff?


Do you only use Flutter to create iOS and Android apps?
