FAQ 90: Should A Young Woman Work Or Stay At Home Till Marriage?

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So this is what a real life handmaid looks like.


Something is wrong with this woman. 6 universities in 10 years ????


This makes no sense at all to me. This may have worked for you two but this won't work for everyone. Getting a job is not a bad thing at all.


Yeah, the Bible also says "honor thy father and mother" but you seem to have no problem mocking them for wanting you to grow up and act like an adult.


How dare she look at the bible with him, women aren't allowed to read! This must be the work of Satan!


Lol not every woman is suppose to get married even the apostle Paul said that.


I'm Christian... But I don't believe that I, as a young woman, should be treated any differently than a young man that works just as hard as I do. I should be able to be independent and be treated with respect for my actions... Not my future husband's...


Christian fundamentalism at its finest.


So you wanted your parents to support you 12 years after high school? What if they died before you got married? Would you still be home reading the Bible? And what about your parents ? They couldn't stay home with their Bible either - they worked to pay the bills and study when they are off


This woman is so ungrateful and condescending to her parents who gave her the opportunity to become a smart and strong woman but instead she preaches we women stay at home and not make anything with her life. There is nothing attractive to a woman without dreams and ambitions, it gets boring when you ran out of interesting topics because nothing ever happens


Time travel exists. These morons surely come to us from centuries ago.


So does single men who get a job learning to covet? Or is that just when women work? Lol


Dear little house on the prairie lady, blink twice if you have been kidnapped and brainwashed.


Holy firetruck. No, universities don't teach you to make money. They teach you how to do a profession for which you have a passion. Not every woman wants to just stay at home her whole life. Quit living in the dark ages. How disgraceful.


Amish girls do just what you said, but yet you made a video trashing the Amish. Your wife is has a poor attitude and is very sarcastic by the way.


This is mans teachings, not Gods....C'mon bro.


Honestly this raises major red flags for me. Especially the way this woman is acting, I see it in the way my dad used to control my mom all the time and try to brainwash her into thinking she shouldn't WANT to be independent. Everything that this video is saying is sinful, and this is coming from someone who has been a Christian all my life.

You make debt an example really often but it's quite poor argument. America is the only country where school is so expensive. I wonder how your views would change if you lived in the countries where college is free or super super cheap or paid by the government.

I don't understand. Your parents didn't want you to live with them forever. They wanted you do become independent and confident that you could provide for yourself at a time where you weren't married. How on earth is them caring about you "brainwashing"? Who told you it was? Your husband? This is just really weird and suspicious. All my Christian friends, and I've been to a lot of churches so I got to know a lot of people, everyone had parents telling them to get jobs regardless of gender. That's just the way our society works and most people WANT to have a certain career. Careers require diplomas. Diplomas require money which requires a job. This isn't brainwashing and I can't believe I have to spell it out. Most people WANT TO GROW UP TO BE A CERTAIN THING. Some guys and girls really look up to firefighters and want to grow up to be a firefighter, for example.
Without women who wanted jobs, we wouldn't have 50% of our doctors, our lawyers, our chefs, our veterinarians, even cashiers and people in retail. Society would basically collapse if all the women who had careers all quit their jobs in one day.
So if a woman is out working to provide for herself and not starve because she wants to, she's "covetous"?
You're taking bible verses that were written in a time women weren't ALLOWED to be unmarried, weren't allowed to be dressed without headcoverings, weren't allowed to work or vote and were treated as second-class citizens in a culture that was around two thousand years ago, and transplanting it into today's time. Men living in that time wrote those verses! By this logic, slavery should be legal because it's in the old testament and we shouldn't eat shrimp or wear clothes with mixed fabrics and not have braided hair. And frankly I'm concerned about your wife and the way you've made her completely dependent on you and convinced her it's sinful to be any other way, when this in itself is a sin and you're going against Christ's teachings. It's kind of abusive, or at least one of the red flags for it.

My cousins are all married with kids, and both the wives and husbands work and are perfectly happy. They're baptized with the holy spirit and I trust them, who say they don't feel any sense of guilt or the holy spirit telling them something's wrong.

What about Christian husbands who want to stay home with their kids because they want to be closer to them rather than never seeing them cuz they're always at work? And wives who want to work because they enjoy being a doctor or botanist etc. Context is key. You're looking at context that existed a thousand years ago. Culture and society changes and so do the people, and this isn't a bad thing. We look disapprovingly at the culture of a thousand years ago that way FOR A REASON.

What about daughters who DON'T want to be taught that they have to get married and have kids? Imagine the shame you are putting on their shoulders. They grow up to hate themselves for wanting to be someone.

You just called her covetous right to her face in a time she was just living her life normally. Non-Christian, yes, but still just living normally. Sure your parents wanted you to work but from a parental standpoint, they wanted you to be independent and financially secure, knowing that you have money for your next meal. They wanted you to be happy. If you're happy as wife with kids, awesome. If you feel happiness by caring for people by being a dietician or doctor or psychiatrist or a vet, or firefighter or cook, then awesome! But don't vilify the latter, that's just unbiblical. You guys are cherrypickers.
The apostle Paul: "I wish that all were as I myself am. ...To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single, as I am" (1 Corinthians 7:7-8). The bible also is saying you don't have to be married to be happy. Paul also later celebrates love and marriage. So some people want to be married, some don't, and it's wrong to call people who don't want to be married as sinners. You can't just tell 50% of the human population that your interpretation of certain verses is how aaaall women should live.
Sorry this is so long by the way.


Hi! Just an Apostolic girl stopping by to say.. shame on you for teaching your own opinion as Biblical fact. But also, thank you for making this video so I can see the red flags I need to watch out for when speaking to people who claim to know their Bible.


Yes, some women have the gift of motherhood and marital life given to them. But others do not. By what you are saying, you are literally contradicting some of the most important verses of scripture about single men AND women (1 Corinthians 7). How would you explain that? Paul is saying here that being single is actually BETTER than marrying in certain cases, since it gives the man/woman undivided attention to the Lord. And guess what? At some age. Maybe 50 or 60, your parents will pass away and *GASP* you will have to become independent (as a single woman) and get an apartment or a job.

If you truly feel convicted that God is telling you to stay at home, then that's fine. But nowhere in the Scripture does is say that a young woman HAS to marry or HAS to stay with her parents or cannot get a job or be independent.


I hope this video is just an outlier, because based on this video, you are both despicable.
