Venom, King of The Micro Bullies Fathers 250 Pups | TRULY

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THE WORLD’S most famous micro bully - Venom – has become one of America’s most valuable dogs thanks to his ability to produce lookalike, muscular pups. According to owner Matt Siebenthal, Venom has up to three stud services per week, and each puppy is sold for around $8000. In a year Venom’s puppies in combination with his Stud Service can easily generate sales of over a million dollars, with Matt struggling to keep up with demand. Venom has gained fame worldwide for his unmistakeable bodybuilder physique and lives with his owner Matt Siebenthal, Matt’s wife Deanne and their son Christian in Lake Worth, Florida. Venom’s ability to produce puppies who look exactly the same as him has led Matt and Deanne to launch Venom’s own line, called Venomline, with Venom’s fame helping the American Bully became one of the fastest growing breeds in 2018.

Video Credits:
Videographer / director: Rodrigo Gomez
Producer: Rafaela Kuznec, James Thorne
Editor: Ed Rius

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There's something called "Qualzuchten" here in Germany. It translates to "agony breeds". And that's exactly what this is. Those poor dogs will not live long, neither will they be healthy while they're alive. It's just sad to think that the most loving dogs are dying in shelters while people like these spend fortunes on breeding sick dogs.


this should not be legal, deforming a healthy, already perfect breed.


Well if he fathered 250 pups at $8K each that's $2M right there. Of course he won't sell for $2M.


2:07 Dude throws the ball towards the camera, dogs run the other way lol


I can only imagine the health problems these designer breeds get..


That's like going to buy the Rock for your family and walking out with Kevin Hart.


2 mil for a cross bred unhealthy walking vet bill...any takers?


Animal breeding is just mind boggling to me. To think that there are sweet, cute, friendly dogs in shelters being euthanized because people would rather pay $8, 000 to BUY a dog that was only born due to consumer demand, rather than adopt a dog from a shelter. Human selfishness has no bounds.


Not a fan of micro bullies, but these are by far the best looking “Micro Bullies” I’ve seen on the internet. Usually people breed them and they look UGLY. I would never own one, but why charge $8, 000 for a smaller bully with more and unnecessary health issues.


I've been breeding a long time and must say after having a venom litter, nothing tops what hes produces. I feel honoured to have his bloodline, and just amazed how correct he is and what he creates
Venom really represents the micro American bully in the best way possible.
LOVE him and his family


I could see venom at the gym bench pressing


Venom: I’m one of the best dogs in AMERICA

Hulk: Hold my Gold link Chain collar


What a great dog with a superb disposition. Moral of the story: you can't read a book by its cover. As a show breeder for over 40 years of English Labradors breeders who would adhere to strict guidelines are not responsible for humans who dump a living creature as if it were a piece of trash. Such as this family, people who pay for quality animals, are the same people who can afford their care. Typically dogs that are left at the pound are there for three reasons an elderly owner has passed away, the person cannot afford their Healthcare, or due to a change in their living situation. There are so many Fantastic dogs and other animals that are currently available for adoption no matter what the age all of them are superb for the right owner. If I were judging Chunk would certainly be noticed by me that's one happy handsome boy.


Makes me incredibly happy to see so many comments against this kind of over breeding...Can't believe people are that stupid to spend so much money on an unhealthy animal that was designed that way when dog pounds are overflowing and everyday dogs have to be put down...a lot of them are Bullies...fantastic bullies, healthy bullies, breaks my heart...


THE KING 👑 Anybody arguing it's Big Mad


*This is abuse to the dog's the only thing they care about is the money and how they look*


if a dog has 250 offsprings of course hes happy


I hate the look of these things because it’s not natural, why must man mess with everything?


Dad:“Wouldn’t you think?” *looks at some happily*
Son: *thinking about fortnite* “Yeah.”


We want a dog with a lot of body, ONLY because we think it looks nice. I think they look cute too! But they will have sooo many health issues, and will not have a normal pregnancy...😔😔
