Celebrating spiders is a Halloween thing, but a Missouri man celebrates spiders all year long!

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October is the one month that David Bruns, a conservation educator for the Missouri Department of Conservation, avoids talking about particular spiders.

“In this case I’ll make an exception,” Bruns said. “This is really the time of year that we have our seasonal infestation of giant, monstrous spiders in many of our neighborhoods.”

He's referring to those decorative porch and yard spiders that are part of Halloween decorations!

Bruns has an abundance of Missouri spiders for show-and-tell. These include the real spiders he collects, along with thousands of unique photographs.

“The thing about spiders is, they’re freaky!”

Bruns wants people to become familiar and not afraid.

He wants people to know that almost all spiders are harmless and they good for the environment. For example, spiders eat the insects that harm trees, food crops and gardens.

“Spiders are unsung, freaky heroes and their superpower isn’t just the diversity of spiders, but it’s their abundance."

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Dave was my next door neighbor for over 20 years. We would sit on my front porch and watch the world go by. He is incredibly interesting about wildlife. I miss those porch visits but I will never forget them. He is truly a "good guy".
