The Toughest Grocery Haul I Ever Bought In My Life!

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I never thought the simple act of going out to shop for groceries would be so tough on me. But this was The Toughest One of My Life So Far.
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Mr Tom, I surely understand. I received 20 radiation treatments while getting chemo. What a miserable life that was for me. But 20 years later, God has blessed me to still be here. I'm 70 years old today. Without His love and mercy, I would not still be here. So I'm very thankful. I was so weak i couldn't care for myself. I could barely put one foot in front of the other. Please, please ask someone to help you with your shopping and cooking/household chores. Most people would gladly help you. That way you can focus your strength on taking care of Gracie and the kitty crew. Love you, my brother ❤️ you are in my prayers.


Also gut health, saurkraut is great for you. If you can eat it.. love your haul. This is dixie from texas. Dukes is the best.


Someone told me one time... don't deny others the blessing they get from helping you. It's hard for me since I've always been the type to do it all myself. So I agree.with others, let them help you. Blessings and prayers!


I wish i were your neighbor. Id help you. At least being stuff inside… love ya Mr Tom. Use the motorized carts. That’s why they have them. 🥰


God bless you and keep you, and make His wondrous face to shine upon you❤


Wish I lived closer, I would have been happy to do the shopping for you. Praying your treatment goes well and this week is amazing for you.


Mr. Tom, you have my utmost respect for your determination to record your life for your family. What a gift for them! And you have invited we many strangers along for the journey (in the back seat, if we behave). Thank you for including us. You have given me so many laughs, taught me so much and shared interesting sights in your ride alongs. I hold you in my prayers for a speedy recovery and an easy road to regaining your full strength. You are such a special person!


Tom good luck to you, on your cancer treatments. Three years ago I had my PSA checked, it was 17.67--- had a biopsy done.I had prostate cancer. I had the robotic surgery. I got out of the hospital, two days before thanksgiving 2021. About six weeks later, Around Jan 1 2022, I wasn't feeling well, I went to the E/R. Found out I had sepsis. I live in a town of 15, 000 people. They don't treat for sepsis at the hospital here. They found a bed for me at a hospital 110 miles away. Beds were hard to come by with covid still going on. I was in the hospital almost a month, I was so sick. The sepsis damaged my kidneys, so I had to go on dialysis, three times a week, four hours each visit. After awhile my kidneys got well enough that I could go off dialysis. The doctors were surprised, they thought I would be on dialysis for life. As of now--so far so good. Once again--good luck!


Mr Tom, 12 years ago the Lord took mine and my husband’ s only child home, she was only 29 years old, my husband has been sitting in his chair ever since, he was not in the best health then and 2 years ago was diagnosed with cancer, and my health has taken a bad turn with chronic disease, we never know what we will go through before God calls us home, Jesus said we will have lots of troubles here, I heard a song on the radio the other day by Leana Crawford called Still Waters, it goes “anxiety hates Psalms 23”, God is my shepherd and He promised He will never leave us or forsake us, don’t give up, this world needs more people like you in it, put on the full armor of God and keep doing the best you can as you go through this journey 🙏


Mr. Tom, the good Lord is with you every step of the way. So many prayers are being said for you. Eating well and resting are so very important. You are on the road to complete recovery. 🙏


Make sure you get enough rest so your body can heal. Let Gracie do all the work. 🙂


Tom our life is but a vapor as Job and David said. We have to balance our lives in that we're not promised tomorrow but we also have to prepare for a future if we're still here. Never feel guilty about splurging while also recognizing our duty to be a wise shopper. Much prayers to you Mr Tom as you face an uncertain future.


My uncle just finished radiation for prostate cancer a couple of months ago. I’m wishing you a fast recovery ❤️


I went through major surgery chemo and radiation in 2022-2023, and worked full time after my 6 weeks recovery from surgery, I empathize with you.


Thanks for sharing Mr Tom. I'm sure it's beneficial for others who may be experiencing the same thing. Rest when needed. Keeping you in my prayers! ❤


Mr Tom you may not truly realize just how much these videos calm others. At this most anxious & stressful time in your life.... is giving such great comfort to those facing similar medical procedures. As you are clearly aware, living alone can be a blessing & lonely time. You sir are a beacon to those walking this uncertain path. Give into the rest you need, our Lord Jesus will be no further away than your prayer. Lean on HIM Always. Nothing is impossible with GOD. Much love and prayers to you, Gracie & the kitty krew. 🙏❤


Mr. Tom, sending you love, respect, and prayers for complete recovery! Speaking as a nurse, and as a wife whose husband went through chemo and radiation treatment for a different cancer, please allow your family and local friends to help you while you go through this. It is imperative that you get as much rest as you can when your body says slow down. If your store has the grocery pick up option where they get your groceries for you and bring them to your car, take advantage of it. Skin care of the area receiving the treatment is imperative as well, as im sure your doctors and nurses have told you. Take care, and we are, and will be, here for you in spirit! Love to Gracie and the kitty krew!


i have never seen your channel before. you are so sweet and kind. dear friend I wish you strength, healing and happiness. you did great going to the store but make sure you get some rest! Walmart will deliver your food!


God bless you, Mr Tom 🙏 Prayers for a speedy recovery 🙏 Hugs


God bless you mr Tom and I pray 🙏 for you that you will get threw this look after yourself and when you feel weak and tierd plenty rest I had breast cancer ♋️ just reached 7years clear god bless you love 🥰 from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🌈🌈🌈🙏🙏🙏🤗👍🌈
