A miraculous jump from bottom student to top student of Korea

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With the Korean college entrance exam scores officially announced, there were 15 students with perfect grades this year. One of them was Song Young-jun, who surprised the country with his miraculous story. The 18-year-old entered Gimhae Foreign Language High School under the preferential admission program for underprivileged students. However, he entered with one of the lowest grades, far from getting a perfect score on the college entrance exam. Watch this video to find out more.
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his story is incredible considering how ridiculously difficult that exam is. apparently a lot of south korean students can easily ace the math section of the american SAT, and the english section of the korean CSAT could easily stump even native english speakers. hats off to this guy!


That is an impressive life story and we can learn from him how to study hard💪🏻 He is like a role model👍🏻


kudos to his teacher. she recognised he needed the help and enrolled him on the scholarship program


That’s great but it’s ridiculous how your financial status determines your education. He’s a special case of course but imagine all the other underprivileged students who couldn’t get the education they needed to get themselves and their families out of poverty. I really wish this student all the best.


If you’ve watched Master Of Study, you can see this boy is a real life example of everything that K-drama teaches


Hard work truly paid off and I'm glad that he is still motivated to achieve even higher. A lot of people would have given up but it's great to see that he didn't. I wish the best for him and his family.


As a teacher ive seen my lowest student became a top student..the key for that is giving them a chance to prove their ability..so good job we have the same motto in life "no pain no gain"


This video is for those who think "they are not capable of anything" . Just work hard and success will follow u😊


It's a beautiful story of fighting for what you want.


I aim to be like him in 2021. And so can you. This is your year. Make the best of it. Happy New year to everyone.


India, china and korea really make the SAT a joke


He had a vision worked hard af and got what he deserved through his hardwork. Inspiring 💕


The story sounds like an anime story, and is perfect for an anime.


I kinda have a similar story (although his story is greater and more inspirational). But I want to share mine too, might inspire others I guess. I used to be one of the lowest in class. Back in elementary, I remember my grade 1 teacher asked the class who got "D" (fail grade) in their cards, so I raised my hand. That time I was only a child, very honest and doesn't know how to lie. After I raised my hand, everybody in the class laughed at me. I cried because I felt bullied. I didn't shine much like other students. I never had grades bigger than 85. I was a below average student. I remember my mom used to beat me for having low grades (I still love my mom and we're okay so don't bash). But I understand her, she did her best to teach me at home, yet I still fail my exams. I had a hard time in class, especially in English and Math. I had some tutors tho. I remember having good feedbacks coming from my tutors. They say that I learn fast. But I don't know, when it comes to class, I forget everything they teach me. I think I perform better at one on one with my teacher and without classmates around. But then, my grades reached its lowest when I was in grade 5. I got addicted to anime so bad that it affected my already bad grades. My mom had to beg my math teacher to do everything just so I can make it to 75. I used to daydream as well at becoming a participant in some competitions and seminars back in elementary, but all I can do was cheer for my smart classmates. But everything changed when I entered highschool. During my grade 7 years, my grades became average. I was able to have 80-86 grades in all of my subjects. I couldn't believe myself. From below average grades to average. Then slowly my grades were getting better and better. From grade 7-9, I became top 3 in our class for 3 consecutive years and received an award every quarter. I still couldn't believe that I achieved that. It wasn't my goal. I never even imagined myself to stand among the smartest in our class. All I did was to diligently do my assignments, and study for every quizzes and exams. I never had a goal in mind to join the listers, just wanna do my role as a student. It was also a miracle how I get picked as participants in seminars and compete during interschool competitions especially in Math! My weakness! Then at the end of year 9 in junior high, my teacher sent a message to our group chat. It was the list of students who made it in the honor's list. He said that he wrote our names in order (wrote our names based on the grades we garnered). I was shocked to see when my name was first on the list. I replied to my teacher and said, "Sir, are you surr about this list? I think you made typo. Why is my name first in line?" I was certain he made a mistake. I am always 3rd in class so how am I able to beat those 2 smarter classmates in brains!? But no, it was real. Then everything became spicier in my 10th grade. For the 1st quarter, I became top 1 in class. But I wasn't happy, because I felt that I didn't deserve it. I felt bad for the original top 1 in class, his mom did not let him enter their house. How could I be happy if I know someone is suffering because of it? But I didn't wish for it. It was never my goal to be even be on the honor's list. I just wanted to pass highschool, that's all. So being able to enter the listers was like a bonus for me. It wasn't really a big deal whether I enter the list or not. It was coincidence I would say that I became one of the top students in my class. But in 2nd and 3rd quarters, I became top 3 again. But it didn't matter to me whether my grades decline or climb up since all I care about is to graduate. I'm not asking for more since I am used to being one of the lowest in class. So even having 90+ average was too much of a gift for me, what more being in the top 3. But at the end of it all, I graduated as top 1 of our class. I remember myself receiving that top 1 medal, and going back to the stage again and again because the emcee keep on calling my name to receive those extra medals (medals for excelling in certain subjects). Seriously, it's so surreal to receive those amount of medals and graduate as top 1 from a below average student. Mind you, I do not mean to brag about this. In fact, it's my first time sharing it ever after I graduated and it has been 3 years since. I hope my story inspired some of you. If there's one thing I realized, it's that my brain cells are actually late bloomers. Hahaha. To every students who are experiencing low grades, don't worry, perhaps it's not your time yet to shine, but when the time comes, you'll shine brighter than the brightest star. Trust me. I couldn't believe myself either for achieving those. It seemed impossible, but everything is possible as long as you're determined! Btw, I mentioned that I was bad at English, but my English significantly improved after reading english subtitles from animes I've watched. Altho my English isn't perfect but it works!




Of course he did better than the kids who got tutoring or went to hogwans. Those are both passive learning, getting it served on a plate, and are not real learning because others do the work. Finland has scores like Korea's, only no homework, 35 hour weeks, and lots of recreation. The amount of time studying does not matter - it is quality that counts. Studying a subject more than 20 minutes at a time can lead to worse grades.


Great story! Congratulations! Please don't show this to my parents. T_T


That's how teachers should be inspiring n enlightening students...and it was paid with the efforts from the student..great on both sides..


In 1 month i also have my college entrance exams, while studying i need to take care of my disabled mom, i rlly want to become a doctor to take care of my mom, so his story is inspiring💕


praying for the best for him. an amazing story that give many people hope.
