I Built 6 SMMA's In A Row To Prove Its Not Luck...

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The 2 softwares that turns leads into appointments for your SMMA clients:

I Built 6 SMMA's In A Row To Prove Its Not Luck...

#1 - Intro
#2 - 9:17
#3 - 11:59
#4 - 17:43
#5 - 22:20
#6 - 24:55

#mattshields #smma #mattshieldSMMA
#digitalmarketingagency #alexhormozibusiness #imangadzhi #imangadzhihowtogetrich #alexhormozi #howtogetrich #thomasgonnet #joelKaplan #socialmediamarketingagency #howtostartasocialmediamarketingagency #howtostartadigitalmarketingagencies #fbadagencytutorial #jordanplatten #charlieMorganoffers #charliMorgan #leilahormozi #joelKaplanpodcast #6figureSMMA #7figureSMMA #howtomake10kpermonth
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Cool video man, its fun to see you express the emotions that i felt along the way too. 

Happens to everyone that eventually "makes it"



The first thing I did was check his description to see if he sold a course 😂 So glad to see someone actually reveal what he’s doing without selling a course


What I think this proves is that building an SMMA is possible.

But it’s not a “side hustle” that anyone can do. It’s not what the gurus talk about.

Building and managing an SMMA is a job, a profession. Do that if you want to, but don’t expect it to be a cakewalk toward making $100k/mo.


This video does not just show how it's possible to build an Agency. It also shows how great of a person you are Matt. Replying to every single comment, and working just to help others like you. <3


1. write the thing down
2. don't rely on 1 thing only
3. free trials do work, esp at the beginning when u have a lot of time (find the right niche for it to work)
4. when it gets even riskier, then double down on it more (beware of shiny objects syndrome
5. it's easy to sell something great but it's hard to deliver
6, biggest ingredient for success - Belief
7. White label agency model has a 0% or near 0% churn rate - if your product is good
8. stop all your limiting beliefs
9. you have to surround yourself with ppl that can increase your total intellectual capacity
10. 2 things that matter - the size of the market, and how good is the team (how big is the gaming field and how good are the players of the team.
11. the game of becoming rich is not just about luck, there's a predictable and repeatable system that you can follow
12. LAST - your business is just a reflection of yourself.

matt was a product-oriented person ( that's why he was able to scale organically)
jared was sales oriented person ( he can leverage the power of money and is more of a risk taker than matt who was conservative )

find what you lack and fix it
or find people that will fill what you lack and you will fill what they lack (symbiotic)

just keep going, you will eventually crack the code if u don't stop. The only way u will fail is when you quit.


Im picking up on your honest and genuine character during this video. Thank you for sharing your story, Matt. I am not even necessarily interested SMMA, but your story is inspirational all the same! There are truth gems scattered all throughout this, and I will be revisiting this again to gather more value. You've made it, Matt! Keep going and sharing💪


I love that you embrace your "failures" and learned from each one. This is the mindset that so many people don't develop until much later in life, so you're definitely on the right track.


My favorite thing about you is that you accept all the responsibility and base your learning and growth off of it rather than laying blame and making excuses. Amazing.


This has to be one of if not the most most genuine, authentic video I have every seen. I admire how you took complete responsibility in why things did or more importantly did not work "what I learned was"....I gotta be honest I have no idea why I clicked on your video LOL I am not even looking at an SMMA startup or anything but you kept me engaged the entire time, for that you have a new sub and idk why you feel like a real person Matt. Thank you for sharing your story, wishing you all the luck now and in the future. Keep crushing it and never stop the uniqueness you deliver through your character You will go far my freind. Thank you for sharing


This video really motivate me a lot, I've been buying courses here and there to learn all the stuff about service delivering and bring the best result for my client. But sometime I doubt about my ability to succeed, what if I'm not good enough, and I realize worrying about something doesn't solve it, focus on the process and believe in yourself solve it. Thanks you!


Dude this video is literally life changing for me this honestly makes me want to fail and fall to my face again and again this taught me so much and i want to thank you because i felt like i completely failed at my life but again thank you for helping me stand back up again!


Matt, congrats dude. And thank you for taking the time to create this video to share your story. Keep up the YouTube game, I'll be looking forward to seeing you grow!


This video had me hooked from start to finish. I half ass tried an agency once and failed after picking a terrible niche for my personal interest. Accountants…. I couldn’t stand talking with them and picked the wrong fulfilment method. I’ve been trying to figure out how to re approach starting an agency. Your video has really got me thinking about how to get back to it. Also.. Would love to see the follow up with a full breakdown of estate Ai.


I just found your videos and have just recently learned about SMMA’s. Youtube is full of filler videos about SMMA’s but this video inspired me so much. All I want to do is follow in your footsteps.

I appreciated how you still read and replied to comments on an older video and I hope to learn a lot more from you so I can start.


These videos on how you made it, and your friends, are super inspiring, please keep them coming


I've watched from the very beginning to the very end without remembering myself blinking once. Thank you for the motivation Matt. I definitely want to see a full breakdown


I recently quit my job and am learning ghl. I ran into this video and it was sent by God. So much value in this video with your experiences. Thank you for sharing. I’d love to connect and learn more!


Bro i was watching this video and the time just flew, when i saw the timer was on 30 min and i was Omggg. I was playing so deeply close attenttion to this, and the music of the bachground was saying YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE, BELIEVE, BELIEVE IN YOU. I was really feeeling the energy of this video throught my body. Because of a lot guys of self - improvement i started reading books and looking now isn't bad, you can enjoy a book with value information.
I was keep learning, because what i learn from some guys of self - improvement is " The only thing that can stops you is, only you " "You just have to strike once, and the wins will come" "The lack of information, oportunit and acess, is what holding you back"


This is the first time I’m watching your video.
I really love your story of growth how your mindset changed about money.
Thank you.
This is just what I needed


I found this mesmerizing. Your tips were awesome. I’d love to see you “peel back the cover” and breakdown the agency
