Best Lunch Box? Let’s Find Out!

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Brands: YETI, Veto Pro Pac, Milwaukee Packout, DeWalt, Stanley, SumeStar, RTIC, Husky, Carhartt, Packit, Coleman, Femuer, ExtraCharm, Coobiiya, DALINDA, and a vintage Scoobydoo lunchbox.

Lunch boxes compared for keeping items cold and warm, durability, zipper quality, leak proof, ability to protect contents from getting damaged from impact, and fabric strength.

I bought all of the lunch boxes to ensure an unbiased review. So, thank you for supporting the channel!

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➡ Products Tested In This Video (in no particular order):

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This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results.
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Here's the list of products reviewed. More details in the video description.


Also grew up extremely poor with a lot of second-hand and hand-me-downs, so understand the hesitance around destroying products, but at the same time your channel has collectively saved viewers untold thousands of dollars, helping buyers find the very best performing products and the very best products within their budget. Your time, and the sacrificial product testing helps all of us be more frugal and less wasteful in the long run.


I'm a software developer who works 100% remotely. I have no need for this video. But I'm watching every minute because I love Project Farm. Thanks Todd!


Draining the bottles to assess how much ice melted was a stroke of genius. Excellent methodology as always, PF!


I'm convinced he just goes about his day and whenever he needs to buy something he just decides to buy 1 of everything and make a video. And I'm here for it.


As a mechanic, this is a pretty important video. I can't tell you how much money I save bringing my own lunch to work, not to mention the gas and time it takes me to get food from somewhere else! A bad day can turn right around with a good lunch, so a good lunchbox is very important


I like that the DeWalt cooler/toolbag came with a free spider.

Very considerate of them.


I just spent 20 minutes watching lunchbox comparisons and I’ll probably never buy another one in my lifetime. That’s a credit to your channel.


I used my Husky lunch box every day for about 7 years before my wife said it smelled like "outside dog" and should remain outside. I still kept it in service for another 3 years storing non-food items, and in that time, I went through 4 other cheap boxes. Last year I got a new Husky and it's still made with the same quality as the one I bought a decade ago. Most cheap boxes lose their shape quickly, offer little insulation, but the biggest offenders are the zippers. At around $30, the Husky is an outstanding value. Nice to see your tests align with my experiences. Thanks for the vid!


Turning up to a work site with a Scooby Doo lunch box, worth it!


The best lunch box I ever had said "Human Organ for Transplant". White box with red lettering. Nobody ever stole my pudding cup after that.


Lunch is on me! Appreciate the effort for making these videos and informing the audience for the best possible options to choose. Did suggested this product previously along with other viewers. Thank you!


I'm an airline pilot and I use the pack it to carry about 4 days worth of dinners with me. I chose it because of the internal ice packs and it will usually keep my food frozen throughout the day, at the very least it keeps it cold enough to be safe until I can get it to the freezer in the hotel room. Happy with it and it is a good size for travel


Growing up I had alot of anger issues, as well as my family was not very well off either, and I still remember the day I got upset and threw down a really nice (glass insulated) thermos my mom had bought me and it broke. I still vividly remember the look of helplessness and disappointment on my mom's face as it was one of the few nice things she saved up and bought just for me, and it absolutely crippled me. . . I spent the next 3 decades making damn sure I controlled my anger so I never had to see her like that again. She passed away a few years ago from cancer, but it still breaks my heart thinking about that day.


"As expected, Scooby Doo likes to mark his territory." 💀😆 too funny!


I was listening to one of your videos at work, using the speaker on my phone. One of the engineers was walking by and he stopped to ask if I was watching Project Farm. Apparently, he's as big a fan of your channel as I am. Thanks for all your work. You've helped me make several informed purchases through the years.


Amazing to see that you did a water bottle test because that's just practical. I have a family member who is a postal worker and here in the southwest it's hot so water bottles is all he takes. Great test!

Loved that you used boiled eggs so there wasn't any wasted food!


i love how he started out with tools, and now he'll compare just about everything. The tools knowledge is wonderful, but these every day items are probably even more useful. I'm the time of guy who wants to buy the best for my buck. I refer to his videos all the time.


Man, I first started watching this channel for tools and oil, never thought I'd be watching lunch boxes, laundry detergent, and vacuum cleaner videos... but I'm all for it! I'd probably watch you review/compare just about anything at this point lol


I would like to see a review of portable power stations, like Jackery, Anker ect. Usually used for overlanding and powering 12v. equipment. That would be nice to see.
