Write a program that generates the following output: 5109 Assign value 5 to a variable using assignm
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Q.Write a program that generates the following output: 5109 Assign value 5 to a variable using assignment operator (=) multiply it with 2 to generate 10 and subtract 1 to generate 9.
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Sumita Arora Class 11 computer science chapter Python fundamental type C Q 3
Answer :-
a = 5
b = a*2
c = b-1
Output :-
python class 11 cbse chapter 1,
python class 11 cbse sumita arora,
python class 11 sumita arora chapter 2,
python class 11th,
python class 11 sumita arora ip,
python class 11 cbse chapter 3,
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Sumita Arora Class 11 computer science chapter Python fundamental type C Q 3
Answer :-
a = 5
b = a*2
c = b-1
Output :-
python class 11 cbse chapter 1,
python class 11 cbse sumita arora,
python class 11 sumita arora chapter 2,
python class 11th,
python class 11 sumita arora ip,
python class 11 cbse chapter 3,
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