OMG, It Works! Solving a Mystery with Euler's Identity (MindSphere shorts)#maths

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20. Trendy How to solve equations with Euler's identity
Euler's identity explained simply
Beginner's guide to Euler's formula
The magic of Euler's identity (if your video takes a more awe-inspiring approach)
Euler's identity MindSphere Shorts (combination of main and channel keyword)

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Рекомендации по теме

Well -1 cannot have a squareroot because it is negative and a square of a number is always positive because when two numbers are multiplied to get a square they have to be of same sign and same value to get a square and when two signs are same and multiplied we get positive. In this equation i thought in another way where we take
=> -1^((1/2)×(-1)½)
=> -1^((1/4)½×(-1)½)
=> -1^((-1/4)½)
=> -1^((root -1/2)(Using basic rules i got till this much)
Let root -1 be i because,
(Root -n = ni)
And n is 1 and -1 is i
We get,
=> -1^(i/2)
So in terms of i, we got -1^(i/2).
Now we will take root -1^i
Since root -1= i
We get,
There is no precise calculation....though.

I just came in 10th so i didn't learn logarithms or calculus fully yet. But I tried to use basic things I know to get the answer. Is it correct?

-1^(root-1/2)= e^(-pi/2)
But isnt root -1 = i? Then how come pi is taken?.


pi managing to sneak into every math equation fr


The solution is incorrect even though the answer is correct.
Since, (a^(b))^(c)=a^(bc) is only true for real numbers b and c.
A more careful analysis well lead to a correct solution.
Here is the solution,

i^i = e^(ln(i^i))
We can substitute e^ln since they are inverse functions they cancel each other out.
Using properties of logarithms.
The natural log of a complex number can be represented as ln(z)=ln(|z|)+iarg(z)
|z|=sqrt(x²+y²) where x is the real part and y is the imaginary part.
We can represent i as z=0+1i where 0 is the real part and 1 is the imaginary part.
Substitute that in.
And natural log of 1 is always zero.
arg(i) represent the argument of i or the angle on the complex plane.
Where k is any integers.
(π/2) is the angle in the complex plane at which i is located.
The 2πk tells us that we can rotate another 2π at the same point.
We well go for the principle value where k=0.
Now we have,
Substitute that in e^(iln(i))
We get,
We finally get,
The same answer with the correct solution.

Edit:Complex Logrithms do have the same property as normal logrithms.
Complex logrithms needs to have the angle theta between (-π, π).
Where, arg(z)=θ+2πk
Where k is any integer
And θ is in the interval (-π, π)


i^i doesn't have just one answer you must show e^(-2pi*n-pi/2) (n E Z)
I suggest to use euler transformation for the imaginary powers.


This isn't the most rigorous method to use, even though it gets the right answer. We have to be a little bit more careful when exponentiating complex numbers.

Remember that z^w = e^(wlnz) = e^w · e^(lnz). Hence, all complex exponentiations where z≠0 can be converted to base e. Now, how can we write a logarithm of a complex number in terms of real numbers?

Recall that for any complex number z and integer k, z = re^(i(θ+2πk)). Taking the logarithm of that, we get ln(re^(i(θ+2πk))) = lnr + i(θ+2πk).

Since r must be a real number, lnr by convention has only one value. r is the radius in polar coordinates, which is the distance from 0 to z, which is |z|. θ+2πk is the angle from the real axis to z, which is arg(z).

Therefore, lnz = ln(re^(i(θ+2πk))) = ln|z| + iarg(z). Since k can still be any integer, arg(z) has infinitely many values, the principal of which is when k=0.

Now, remembering the beginning, z^w = e^(w(ln|z| +iarg(z))). If we let z = w = i, we get i^i = e^(i(ln|i|+iarg(i))). |i| is 1, and ln1 = 0. arg(i) is π/2+2πk, because i is 90° from the real axis.

Now we have i^i = e^(i(iπ/2+i2πk)). Distributing gets us e^(-π/2+2πk), and when k=0, that's ~0.20788


When I am studying this chapter same doubt arises in my mind
But my teacher said this is not in your syllabus


Studied in Complex numbers
Make a video on Rotation of complex numbers also


Btw it can have many more values other than e^-pi/2


I love the face that (imaginary)^(imaginary) is a real number !


This is a particular solution not general solution


That's why complex analysis is vary important


Also don’t forget that pi^pi^pi^pi COULD equal an integer for all we know


The rules of real number addition subtraction multiplication do not apply for complex numbers only a post graduate person can do that, so everytime you multiply divide add subtract complex numbers you won't be correct all the time


That is why, always remember that your imagination can always be a reality if you put your efforts into doing it. MOTIVATION RAHHHH!!


The significance of the constants pi and e amazes me each time.


Is that the prototype of all transcendents or algebraics equal to a^b, with a, b, algebraic number?. I wonder if algebraic^algebraic covered all the reals, because they are dense on the line, every interval has at least one. But they are still countable, and there are still some... 👀


∞ <\>\= ∞ ( Infinity is greater or lower or equal to another infinity)


bro solved the unsolvable question he made himself


Answer is right but step is wrong, you cant multiply the upper power by lower power when they include "i", i saw bprp do it the correct way


It's amazing 🎉🎉🎉
But i already knew it
But one thing i should say that
You are making videos about beautiful things in maths
But why you never made a video on

Golden ration and silver ratio of mathematics i think it will be best
