Borut Pahor na proslavi 30 godina od osnivanja Saveza slovenskih društava u Hrvatskoj
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Slovenski predsjednik Borut Pahor sudjelovao je u Rijeci na proslavi 30 godina od osnivanja Saveza slovenskih društava u Hrvatskoj. Uz Pahora nazočili su gradonačelnik Marko Filipoviić, župan Zlatko Komadina i predsjednica saveza Slovenaca Barbara Riman. Svečanost je održana u Pomorskom i povijesnom muzeju Hrvatskog primorja "guvernerovoj palači"
VIDEO: Goran Kovačić/PIXSELL
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About PIXSELL News Photo & Video Agency:
PIXSELL is the leading photo and video agency in Southeast Europe based out of Zagreb, Croatia with a large network of associates across the whole region.
We provide over 30 million photographs and video clips, available to everybody in a fast and simple manner.
Our professional news photographers and videographers are constantly running, driving, cycling, flying and swimming from one event to another in order to capture that perfect photo and shoot ideal video material,
always approaching our editorial and commercial clients with the same professionalism and skill.
PIXSELL’s photographs and videos will always tell the real story of every event,
give character to every product, and make every editorial come to life.
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VIDEO: Goran Kovačić/PIXSELL
Photo gallery:
About PIXSELL News Photo & Video Agency:
PIXSELL is the leading photo and video agency in Southeast Europe based out of Zagreb, Croatia with a large network of associates across the whole region.
We provide over 30 million photographs and video clips, available to everybody in a fast and simple manner.
Our professional news photographers and videographers are constantly running, driving, cycling, flying and swimming from one event to another in order to capture that perfect photo and shoot ideal video material,
always approaching our editorial and commercial clients with the same professionalism and skill.
PIXSELL’s photographs and videos will always tell the real story of every event,
give character to every product, and make every editorial come to life.
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