Program the TreeView in Delphi

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Huw Collingbourne is the author of The Little Book Of Delphi, available as a Kindle eBook and as a paperback.

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Amazon (UK)

Source Code available from:

Watch all the lessons in this series about programming a collapsible outliner with Delphi via the playlist:

My ‘Learn to program Delphi and ObjectPascal’ course is the fastest way to learn to program Delphi or the cross-platform Lazarus and Free Pascal. Go to the Bitwise Courses web site for more information.

Рекомендации по теме

Thanks very much for your time and effort for these videos Huw. Im new to Delphi and these videos are helping immensely 🙏


Thank you sir
I dont speek english but i understand you very well


Очень полезно, спс.
TreeView актуален еще и потому, что до сегодняшнего времени в палитре компонентов Delphi так и не появилось версии TreeView, но ориентированного на Базы Данных.
В этой части может быть полезен материал статьи: "Delphi. SQLite. FireDac. Обвязка для TreeView".
Но не могли бы Вы осветить эту тему с Вашей точки зрения?
Заранее - спасибо.


Is it possible to move the drop down arrow to the right at a specific "x" pixel - to work like HTML accordion ?
