Why Now is the Best Time to Jump Into Last Epoch

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Thanks to Last Epoch for sponsoring this video

Last Epoch 1.1 update Harbingers of Ruin makes what's great even better.

Time stamps:
00:00 Intro
01:57 Reason 1
02:04 Reason 2: New cycle
04:17 Reason 3: New Pinnacle Content
05:11 Reason 4: New mechanic: evade
07:13 Reason 5: Faction changes & new Faction
08:09 Reason 6: Quality of Life changes
09:35 Reason 7: Improved alt leveling
10:34 Reason 8: Balance changes
12:00: Reason 9: New meta
13:36 Reason 10: Maxroll updates

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Executive producers: Kiskaloo, Zaeith

Special thanks: John Dwyer,
Joshua Dotson,
Nazgren, Arcthorin,
Lamer of Sweden
, Neme5i5,
Nicholas Lautner
, Remiehneppo,
Tony Duran,
Valentine Judnich,

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Last Epoch devs remind me so much about early Path of Exile devs, which is the highest praise I can ever give. Also I really like how they take ideas from Grim Dawn. Grim Dawn is one of the best ARPGs of all time for me, brilliant.


Potentially what is the most illuminating and encouraging part about this game, the team behind it is right here in the comment section for this video. It's great to see a tried and true ARPG (and other game) content creater and influencial player giving it the flowers the game deserves. But for me, what is even more encouraging is the fact that the players (original and new) in the comments here are mostly talking about what they like and the issues with the genre and the major studios that this team is addressing.

Last Epoch is a game for me that has come as close to scratching my itch from way back in Diablo 1 and 2 (yes, I'm that old) I love to see it grabbing attention and (so far) honoring their vision and commitment to the player base not only of the game but of the genre.


Didn’t realise the new stuff launched today, perfect timing, have just finished Elden rings dlc


Holy crap really? I don't need a new character to play the new stuff? I absolutely love that! I love that the leaderboards are there and world firsts and stuff for the people that want that. I just want to see the cool stuff and I never finished leveling my last character


I'm glad to see the game progressing so well, although I don't give even half, or a quarter of a shit about seasons outside of new things they introduced to the game proper. I don't like feeling like I have to try and rush through the game again and again and then having my character relegated to a dead realm that gets little to no support. So I'm glad things are going to be available across the board.


There is lots to come for Last Epoch. I feel it.


Perfect timing ! Servers are on fire lol I might wait a bit longer to jump into it online ^^'


I respect a lot the decision to not gate content fully in the season/cycle. I for one didn't even reach max level with my character last season, and will be continuing that character. Would have sucked for great content to be gated behind me levelling again. I just don't have the time between my personal life and the other games I play.


"sponsored by Last Epoch" instant look for a new video


The dodge roll is actually mint, it makes melee so much better to play


I just love the fact you can do the new cycle in fully offline mode!


i allways loved and praiesed the bosses in last epoch, and i know this is gonna be epic, can't wait!!


Im glad I watched this I didnt realize you get the same content in legacy thats great


I played the game when it first came out on launch day. I had fun. Made a hammerdin but I didnt make it to end game or end of the campaign as I hit a roadblock power wise and just couldnt progress.

Game certainly looks better and will give it another try.


I want Last Epoch on PS5, we need to urge the developers for a console release, it's unfair that only people with good pc's can enjoy this game😢


More Last Epoch content, please! This a really awesome game !


Last Epoch is a ton of fun. It really is so well built.


I'm so exited let see how they done it this time. Especially this mana recovery on channeling is huge change for channeling skills.


I think that like D4 the end game still wont have enough to do. The pinnacle boss stuff will be cool, but as you said you are guessing it will take 3 maybe 4 days to kill him.


Last Epoch was the first game in years I was actually excited to get home and play after work. That being said, there's still nothing to do at the end. One pinnacle boss and 10 Harbingers is just another layer of RNG in a game that was already drowning in RNG hell. Unless the core item chase has changed; being praying for an LP version of your item > praying for an exotic to slam it with > praying the affix you want comes over and doesn't brick it... we'll be back to 2500 player/day averages in 2 weeks. Which, if that's sustainable for the dev team, then God bless, I just see so much potential. We need changes to the monolith and gear grind systems, not another boss.
