Prof. Kevin Buzzard | An introduction to the Langlands Program

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Speaker: Professor Kevin Buzzard (Imperial College London)
Date: 2nd Oct 2023 - 10:00 to 11:00
Venue: INI Seminar Room 1
Title: An introduction to the Langlands Program
Event: (BLHW01) Number theory, machine learning and quantum black holes

Abstract: The Langlands Program, broadly speaking, relates certain objects in harmonic analysis (the continuous) to certain objects in arithmetic (the discrete). Most of the talk will be a heuristic overview of the area starting from the very basics. I will say a little about links to computer formalisation and essentially nothing about links to machine learning. This is a survey talk, not a research seminar; the talk will be accessible to non-experts in the field (indeed, that's the point of it).
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