Dr. Alison Bested: BC Women's Complex Chronic Diseases Program (Aviva Community Fund)

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This new program will provide patient and symptom-centered care to women and men who suffer from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Lyme disease/tick borne illnesses and other complex chronic diseases.
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This lady is extremely intelligent and she helped me so much! She did thorough tests and really was amazing in the assessment she did for me. I have severe fibromyalgia. She is a gem! An amazing doctor and hematologist and CFS and fibromyalgia specialist.


"According to the Canadian Institute for Health Research, funding for FM $1.38, for ME $0.35, Parkinsons $400 per patient". But 20 times more people have ME or FM than Parkinsons in Canada. (841, 000 MEFM /39, 000 Park =21.5x more!)


Oh my goodness, how do I get into this program?? I have both CFS and FM and would like to help find a cure in any way that I can. I'm in Saskatchewan.


dr b good luck! ps - please don't refer to Lyme as a tick borne illness. mosquitos and some flies may also be vectors (22% of these insects in endemic areas are infected according to dr klinghardt). all the best, liisa
