Fosi Audio ZA3 brings Cool New Features

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00:00 Intro
00:18 About ZA3
03:40 Sound
07:19 vs Fosi V3
10:24 Final thoughts

Room test system:
Eversolo DMP-A8, Allo DigiOne Signature


#hifi #audiophile #amplifier #stereo
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Correction: When mono mode is used, all avaliable power and cooling goes to one channel that makes it able to push higher power. It is not a bridged mode of operation (that would have its own shortcomings).

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. 🍻


ZA3 has a mono-mode and not a mono-block
Fosi has a Kickstarter Campaign for true V3 mono-blocks that they just started
Better news is that Fosi is going to put out a Hypex class D amp soon which will be a game changer and not just another chip amp
Great review as usual
My favorite audio channel


Two Z3's are better then one! Run them as mono blocks for better separation, dynamics and slam :) Use a dac with volume control as a preamp, and you'll hear quite a difference versus the standalone.


Funny you mentioned Atoll IN100.
I have two ZA3's in mono mode with SS3602 opamps, easily replaced my Atoll IN100, much better separation between instruments, better soundstage, more transparent, reveal more details. But they drive good bookshelf speakers with sensivity 91-92db. Atoll is too soft and airy, colors the sound in its own way.


ZA3 doesn’t technically bridge the channels in mono mode. What it does is shuts down a single channel and routes all available current from the PS to a single channel. Supercharging it. That’s why the output in mono mode isn’t 2x the stereo mode which is typical in a bridged amp.

The ZA3 has 5 different OPAMPS! Ironically the balanced inputs only have a single OPAMP shared for both channels, but the stereo has two OPAMPS for single ended and the sub actually also has two OPAMPS.

Like the V3, the ZA3 OPAMP is rollable, but if you’re running the amp in mono mode you technically only need to upgrade one OPAMP. Another YouTuber actually suggested you remove the OPAMPs your not using in mono mode to further shutdown the circuits and route even more current to the right channel in mono mode.

Fosi is set to release a true monoblock power amp that apparently removes the unnecessary circuitry like sub out and volume control. It has a few other tricks up its sleeve as well. I’m not sure if the monoblock amp is based on the ZA3 or the V3.


I highly recommend switching out the Op Amps. Like many have done, I've inserted 3 Sparkos Labs Discrete SS3602's for the RCA and XLR cables, and 2 MUSES02 IC based op amps for the bass. Plenty of dynamics and slam now and an increased naturalness, with a wider and deeper soundstage. Howevever, I did notice right away that when listening to the ZA3 through balanced inputs/cables, the sound had a cooler (in some instances, steelier) tonality. Using the RCA connections rendered a warmer sound - similar to the Aiyima A07 Max.


honestly this is one of the audiophile channels that I trust the most, you don't just buy into the hype-train, you tell it like it is!


Thank you. Do you have a favorite cheap Class D amp as far as sound quality goes?


I got mine yesterday and I like it so far.
Edit: sounds very good but it has poor channel balance at low volyme.
Edit2: gonna use mine to power a pair of planar drivers from 500 hz to 20k hz in a diy 2-way speaker project.


I sold my Fosi V3....Aiyima07 Max sound much better


I would value a bit more impressions of yours about: 1/ how you find the sound replay RCA inputs vs Balanced; 2/ what about op amp rolling - dose it improve the slam and how is the 'flavour' of replay changing. Why I am asking these two. My chain is Eversolo A6 -> TT2 / iFi iDSD Pro which I mainly use for headphones. In the last year I decided to change a bit to speakers and recall my youngster hobby days. I took from the attic my KEFs Q15.2 and refurbished them with the help of KEF Service (even did cabinet improvements for dumping and vibrations) and started exploring the hobby again. My NAD 3020 was pretty enjoy but I wanted more. And here comes the AIYIMA 07 Max which I upgraded with Sparkos 3602 - pretty enjoyable replay. BUT I wanted more, so I started looking for a better bigger amp.... and mostly my hobby friends were lending me AB class amps. I tested Cambridge Audio AXA25, Rega IO, some ARCAM models and never got satisfied - I thought I need more powerful speakers (and I needed a new pair to tickle my hobby) so I went for ELAC Reference UBR62. But again the class AB amps were not matching the enjoyment I had with my old NAD and the AiYiMA with Sparkos op amps. Finally, I decided to do a more drastic change and I got a vintage KENWOOD R-SE7 which is a piece from a system but believe me killed all the class ABs I tested - it is class AB but you may switch it to class A for average loudness listening and all the magic came alive - the ELACs where singing as reviewers say, the room was full, the stage was big, all sounded natural... So I jumped to SMSL A1 like an affordable modern class A amp and was blessed - little gem! So, these days, I have deleted class AB from my mind - I listen to class G (AiYiMA 07 Max with Sparkos) and class A (the vintage KENWOOD and the SMSL A1). Now I want to introduce Balanced so I am waiting for my ZA3, to upgrade and enjoy. I know it is not top-of-the-tops but strangely the small AiYiMA class D kilss for me the bigger class AB and after listening to class A I do not see the value to invest in class AB.


I have tried WiiM amp just out of curiosity and as you said now a days you can get decent sound from very affordable hifi equipments and WiiM amp is one of them. said it is not the most dynamic and powerful amp but it sounds pretty good and warm. I wouldn't expect a sound like this from a class D affordable amp


It isn't actually bridged, it uses just the right channel, but there is enough headroom in the chip to effectively double the available power for one channel. So it will be able to drive heavy loads better. I am waiting for the reviews of the not yet launched but announced V3 Mono but I am very tempted to just skip al the fosi's and invest in some Hypex Nilai Mono blocks. Much more expensive but they have true power.


Hey! Great video! I am looking at getting this or the MC351. I have a set of Elac debut b6 with an active sub. If I Got the za3 I would use my scarlet 2i2 as the dac. Do you have any suggestions one way or another to someone just getting into this hobby? Or another alternative at a similar or lower price point?

I use it with my pc for video editing, narration+editing, and enjoyment.

Right now I am using a Fosi DA2120a

Автор comparison vs other D class amp (eg SMSL A300)?


I have two in an active crossover and bi-amped system. My speakers are Magneplanar LRSs in a smallish room. The amps work great! They replaced Adcom 535II amps. I prefer the sound of the new ones.


Hi. How do You compare za3 vs Smsl a300 ? (The one with blue digits on panel)


Thanks for this review. I always respect your commentary. I currently use two of them as mono amps into a pair of Lintons, fed by an R26, and they have the bass, texture, dynamics and loudness I seek. My thoughts are that the current, and therefore power, comes from the brick. I find them a fantastic value buy. My only thoughts for actual upgrade derive from aesthetics, not sound quality. Please get a 2nd and run in mono, you may be surprised. Thanks again.


I briefly owned a V3 with the 32v power supply and when comparing it to my A07 and SMSL AO200, I felt there was an improvement over the A07 but still preferred the AO200. Yesterday I received my ZA3 with the 48v/5A power supply and while I have only had it for a day and only briefly compared it the AO200, I have to say I am leaning towards the ZA3. In piecing together your reviews of the A0300 (vs AO200) and V3(vs AO300) I suspect that you would be in agreement. I am somewhat surprised by the difference between the 32v and 48v power supply.


I enjoy your reviews, calling as you see it. I'd like to see a line level mode while running in mono.

My thought is running 2 ZA3s in mono in a 5.1 surround system powering the rear surrounds off a pre amp / processor. My front 3 channels are hard to drive but the rears aren't. I was thinking Orchard audio for the front 3, fosi powering the rear 2 with possibly an op amp upgrade used Marantz processor being at the top of the list. The current integrated runs it well but does not have eARC, 4k etc. and I want to pay for a good amp or amps to run the speakers and then upgrade the processor if tech changes.

I could also see running a 2 channel stereo system with 2 in mono, spending some decent money on a streamer dac, and bookshelf speakers. You could then upgrade the amp as money allows. $110 on aliexpress for a ZA3 isn't bad. Buy a $1, 100+ amp later. This would also be my path if I put them in a 5.1 surround then upgraded the rear channels in the 5.1 system and use it as an office system. So say an Eversolo A6 or A8, 1 or 2 ZA3s, and bookshelf of choice on a budget, then scale up. If you buy 2 ZA3s for $220, how many have bought a borderline midfi amp, then upgrade and lost $220 on the amp they upgraded from?
