Fadogia Agrestis (HOLY GRAIL for ED, Low T and Infertility?!)

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What is Fadogia Agrestis?
''It's a Nigerian shrub called Fidea aggressive, and it mimics luteinizing hormone, which is the hormone that comes out of the hypothalamus that stimulates the testes if you got those and the ovaries if you've got those.'' - Andrew Huberman

The following significant T booster behaviors are fundamental to boosting testosterone resistance training. Staying between ten to 14% body fat, eating a diet rich in T-boosting foods, and getting 8 hours of sleep per night. Those are the main ways you'll boost testosterone. But every once in a while, a New herb comes along, and scientists and influencers make it the next big thing.

To help men boost tea, this isn't a bad thing. Certain herbs were introduced as natural ways to boost tea, like Tongat, Ali, and Ashwagandha, for example, have stood times test.

But I've learned over a decade of testosterone research not to jump on the bandwagon too soon. So there's been some noise lately about an herb called fadogia agrestis, and I'll cover what it is and what it's claimed to do, and if This Is the Holy Grail for Ed, Low T and Infertility?! So make sure to watch the whole video.

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To be clear, Andrew Huberman is a guy I follow. He's way smarter than me (and though that's not saying much), he has a ton of incredible info on testosterone, dopamine, sleep, and basically any other function that pertains to living optimally and healthily. So, when I heard about fadogia I was pumped. But as a guy who has a supplement company, I have to do my research before I include an ingredient in one of our supplements. And though it may boost sales because of its awareness, I can only include the ingredient if it's safe and effective. So, I looked into fadogia. One study was great, the other raised some flags. The reason for these flags may be the dosages given to rats, which would be far lower than the ratios to weight given to humans. But still, long term use may compound these negative effects. Who knows? I don't. We need more research to know, and research on humans, though that seemed to slow after that negative fadogia study. Thus, I will not - for now - include fadogia in any of my supplements until some better research is done. I'm sure Mr. Huberman knows more on the topic than I do, and I'd love to see a video addressing the toxicity aspect of the plant. But until I find more research on it that shows it's NOT toxic for humans, I'll steer clear of it. You can do whatever you want. Do your own research, come to your own conclusions.


For over 30 years we’ve been told that cholesterol and red meat are bad, while in those same 30 years testosterone has gone down the drain 🤷🏻‍♂️

I’ll try Fadogia


We approve vax after testing just 8 mice. So I’m sure this is just as safe


Be aware that the study that showed toxic effects of Fadogia were at very high doses.


Good level headed advice, thank you Chad.


Had great experience with the two combined . Libido, energy and strength and general wellness


I got my blood work after my first 30 days cycle of taking fadogia. Only my liver enzymes was slightly elevated. There were no other symptoms, thankfully.


Problem with this thesis. It needs to be taken into account life span of rodents and dosage of rodents does not equal human. The thing he failed to tell you are the dosages of those rodents. I have personally taken fadogia, tongkat, ashwaganda for well over 90 days now. Full panel done before start had 502 test w/ 13 free T levels every other metric within normal range. 30 days into cycle test at 802 and free T at 14.5 and kidney/liver enzymes within normal range. Next blood panel conducted with no significant change in the first 30 day stats. 90 day panel taken today pending results. My diet has been consistent for over a decade (I’m 32) I work out 4-5 days a week. Other supplements I take (were taken prior to fadogia, tongkat, and ashwaganda) are zinc, d3, multi, magnesium.


Chad what’s your thoughts on Pine Pollen? I found it very effective but felt hesitant to use it long term


I tried Tongkat ali 400mg for about 3 months it was good and good overall libido boost 2-3hrs later. I recently tried Fadogia Agrestis 1 time with Tongkat to experiment and 3 hrs later I felt like a switch flipped I felt 18 again. Interesting to test but I couldn't do this every day nothing else would get done plus I don't know long term effects.


I am just starting my second one month cycle of fadogia. I'm 52 this is the first I've tried any supplementation. It was a very apparent boost in the first month. Strength games lean out etc


How about mixing Boron 6mg with Tongkat Ali and ashwagandha?


Can you do a video on natural plant derived anabolic compounds such as Turkesterone and Beta Ecdysterone?


How do you spell the supplement at 5:57 that increases androgen receptors??


It's about time we had human studies on this. Double-blind randomised and done properly under medical supervision. It's interesting that most things that may help boost T get poo-poohed. Funny that.


How long did it take in the original study for toxicity to take effect? I wonder if you can get around that by cycling the fedosia


My LH has always been low. Can anything else help boost my level besides the Fadogia ?


bro i tried it for like a month and it didnt rlly do shit, training intensity was a lil higher tho. but apparently you have to take these things for like 3 months + for serious results.


Thoughts on entengo/mondie whitie? I probably misspelled that.


What are your thoughts on testicle tanning?
