Daily Congress Prayer Dec 17, 2021 Senate guest chaplain Lisa Schultz, Chief Staff to Chaplain Black

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Senate guest chaplain:
Lisa Schultz is a deacon at Church of the Advent and the Chief of Staff for United States Senate Chaplain Barry Black

The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- day’s opening prayer will be offered by our guest Chaplain, the Reverend Lisa Schultz, Church of the Advent, Washington, DC.
The guest Chaplain offered the following prayer:
Let us pray.
O God, our help in ages past, You are our hope for years to come.
Give to the Members of this body a special measure of wisdom and strength to accomplish Your purposes on Earth. Lord, help them to see what a practical resource they have in You as You empower them to complete their business with civility, coopera- tion, and competence. Bless the leaders of both parties and their staff mem- bers. Bless those who chair committees and subcommittees, those who manage bills and labor for liberty. Enable our lawmakers to do what without You would be impossible.
We pray in Your strong Name. Amen.
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