BEST PC Settings for Warzone 3 SEASON 6! (Optimize FPS & Visibility)

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BEST PC Settings for Warzone 3 Season 6 Right Now With The New Update And GPU Driver Updates, To Boost FPS/Fix Stutter/Fix Lag/Fix Gameplay.. Everything You Need To Know!!

Everything You Need To Do To Have The Best FPS

In This Video I Show People How To Boost Fps To Its Best Setting, I Show The FPS On The Top Left Coner Of My Screen, Not Just Talking About FPS But Showing The FPS That You Will Be Getting 👌

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How to get more FPS out Of Warzone 3 (Season 6) 👌🎮✔

Warzone 3! (Season 6) FRAME Boost!🎮 ✔

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#codwarzone #warzonebestsettings #warzoneseason6

0:00 - Best Warzone 3 Season 6 Settings
1:01 - Update GPU Drivers ( Studio Driver )
4:26 - Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings
10:54 - Best Windows Settings
14:52 - Important Note
15:28 - Best Windows Settings
16:30 - Uninstall Unused Stuff
18:14 - 3 Steps To Do
20:39 - Scan Your Pc
24:02 - Best In Game Settings
32:54 - Contact Me Here
33:55 - Best In Game Settings
34:11 - Best Quality Settings
43:07 - Interface Settings
43:43 - Best Quality Settings
52:09 - Best View Settings
53:25 - Best Color Customization
54:40 - Very Important Step

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🔴Yes The First 2min Of My Video I Had To Bleep Out My F Bombs Sorry For This 🔴 * THATS YOUTUBE FOR YOU * - FrameGen is unusable for fast Games. ( Would only be stable if you have a beast CPU & GPU ) FrameGen makes only sense in 2 cases❗
(1) The Game already runs at a very high framerate \ something like 300 and above native FPS❗(2) The Game is very slow and latency makes no difference (City-Builder, Turn-Based, Games like that etc) ❗FrameGen does NOT magically increase performance. If the Game does not feel smooth, FrameGen can't change that. If you run FrameGen at 60FPS to get 120FPS, it will still feel and play like 60FPS. ( Like i said in my video you can't sugar coat dogshit!!!! )


the level of comedy in these videos is amazing !


W video I went from averaging 105-130 FPS sometime even dropping to 95 to averaging 125-155 never dropping below 120


Love your excitement helped me a lot with the Nvidia control panel because it kept resetting and you helped with my in game performance. Great video


As someone who is new to PC gaming, your content is very comprehensive and helpful! If able, could you please do an optimization video for Dragonball Z: Sparking Zero?


Ok so I watched your last video and finally fixed the non stop stuttering issues I’ve been having for absolutely ages. Watch it all, pay attention and listen to this guy.

Thank you.


Thank you so much sir for your settings and explaining everything in clearly as a pro 👍


Like always the game is 100times better thanks man..👌👌👌


I didn’t even need to change anything (although I did get some tips from the Win+R section and even though I did it last time scan still picked up some corrupt file) but still watch through every one of these all the way, mainly to see if anything has changed since update and the epic level rants are more entertaining than even the game itself (fuckin’ Crack smoking Activision…) 😂. Love the content bro, thank you for all that you do! My 11700k/3060 12gb/32gb Ram machine pumps out over 200 fps consistently in game at 1080p because of it, and people can’t believe it until I share my recordings (yes, that’s while recording or streaming that I get those numbers). I have defaulted to sending the link to your most recent video, or telling them to come find it when they ask how the hell I’m getting that kind of performance out of my rig. 🤘


Godamn, youre the best! So fun and professional, it helped me a lot


I am on his level tech wise and my settings are rarely different from his. However I watch all these videos cause of his personality alone lol I love it 😂😂


i love this channel u straight to the point lol
and good commentary


thank you bro bumped my fps up by 100


bro i watched ur stuff so much much love man great creator


I kept rewinding it cause I was laughing so hard I missed what to do 😂😂😂


Yes it works and thanks for making us laugh😂


Let’s go. Love the videos. You always keep it real


My Samsung toaster now runs 250 frames in 4k warzone. Thank you kind sir.


Rust/pubg player here, watched it for the computer stuff and Nividia card, it’s awesome thank you.


The comedy is top tier. im sub and you deserve a reward. it was very informational and super funny to watch. which is what made me watch the entire thing. i even went back and watched to parts i thought was super funny. the cough at 19:40 and you said this place... this fucking place.... yea fuck this place delete it had me rolling!!!
