Five Star 200 mile Indoor/Outdoor Yagi HD TV Antenna Review

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This is my review of the following antenna: "[Newest 2020] Five Star TV Antenna Indoor/Outdoor Yagi Satellite HD Antenna with up to 200 Mile Range - Attic or Roof Mount TV Antenna, Long Range Digital OTA Antenna for 4K 1080P with Mounting Pole" - That's the title from the Amazon product listing. This is a medium sized outdoor antenna that claims a 200 mile range. How true is that claim and how well does the antenna work?

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I cut the cord over four years ago. My antenna in Ohio picks up over 70 channels. My antenna in Naples Florida picks up over 55 channels. I have saved over a thousand dollars a year by cutting cable. I don’t miss it. This excellent YouTube channel keeps me current and provides good advice.


I just realized why I've watched dozens of your videos and made a purchase based on your reviews... You are the Bob Ross of antennas!


this review is a good example of why we like you Tyler, you don't mind telling the truth no matter what, and tell it like it is, keep up the great work


Hey Tyler, I just wanted to send some thank you cash for your information. I watched several of your videos and I cut the cord. I installed a clearstream 4v outdoor antenna and a pv150 pvr (clicked the link of your video). Its looking good and I'm saving some cash. Thanks again


My wife and I cut the cord on December 31st. Had DirecTV. I bought the Five Star antenna from Amazon and mounted it on the bracket that held the dish and utilized the RG6 cable that was there. 48 channels crystal clear and rock solid. But then I'm 10 miles from the transmitters not 42. For a cord cutter who lives close to the transmitting towers I found this to be an excellent antenna.


I installed antennas for an electronics shop during college, we also did public service radio antenna work and lots of farm installs with base stations and mobiles in farm equipment. Most of the radios we used were either VHF Midland or Icom or Yaesu .. and the antennas were Larsen Kulrod, Antenna Specialists and Winegard with Rohn towers and masts. The reason I mention all this is because as I walk through the stores and see little plastic antennas with just a few elements and some amplifier advertised with such exceptionally long range claims, I smile and think back at the massive VHF and UHF antennas we installed like the monster UHF and we didn't get anywhere near that distance, even with the best inline amplifiers right on the antenna powered from below .. even when we stacked them on a tower. Great video .. and thanks for telling the truth about these little antenna's distance claims.


I love how you explain the reality of antennas. HD and range numbers are often exaggerated so far beyond reality.


Great evaluation as usual! On a side note, YouTube is getting out of control with ads. 2 preroll and then 3 mid roll (1 every 3 min) interruptions during a 10 minute video.


I was bout to buy this antenna but hesitated because of your review. After thinking about it for several days I decided to give it a try and bought it. It works great!


Just another data point -- I have this exact antenna, rural area about 40 miles from the transmitter. Antenna is up about 20 feet and blocked by trees in the direction of the transmitter, and using the supplied coax. I hooked this all up before realizing this YouTube channel existed. The signal strength (according to my HDHomeRun) ranged between 60-65%, but at night, it was all over the place between 20-65% and almost unwatchable. I had a spare RCA signal amp and hooked it up and now the signal varies between 65-75% all day and night and picture/sound has been extremely solid since. I'm missing about 2 channels that are listed for me on antennaweb -- fortunately they're just religious channels.

I've still yet to watch the rest of your videos, but they're extremely helpful and educational, thank you for posting.


I like you telling the truth about commercial TV antennas. I work in a company that makes VHF and UHF antennas for professional use. This antenna in your hands directors (Front sticks) are way smaller than they supposed to be to resonate on UHF TV channels. No wonder that it performs poorly. By the way, I watched 40 years ago TV from Sweden in my home country of Yugoslavia through atmospheric reflections. It happens from time to time. I am with antennas all my life as a HAM operator, as a professional Radio engineer as well. It is a very interesting piece of science


Tyler, I'm glad you're addressing these obvious scams. The fact is, a simple whip antenna will pick up a station 200 or even 500 miles away, if you have it at a 30, 000 ft elevation!! But down here on earth, 70 mi. is pretty much the max. I wouldn't touch this antenna with a 10 ft. pole, or even a 20 ft. because since the ad is a scam, the rest of the product is most likely an inferior or fake product. They get by with it because occasionally the ionosphere at night will bounce signals hundreds of miles, so they would argue the 200 mi claim is true, but what they don't say is that such reception is rare and NOT the norm. It's a very misleading ad.


Thanks Tyler,
Your advice is so welcomed,
I appreciate you taking the time to help everyone out.
Thanks bud.



I'm glad I discovered your channel. Wish it had been a little sooner! We have bought 2 junk indoor antennas. Now we won't waste time any longer. Thank you!


I recall as a kid, my buddy and I had a hobby of hiking to the head ends of small town cable towers and photographing their antennas. These valley towns of few hundred people had interesting installations, without them one or two channels, with the system less than a dozen. Usually set up by independent contractors, everything was over the air terrestrial. No satellite, no web .. just huge stacked yagis aimed in all directions on a sixty foot Rohn tower. The fed a line to town usually suspended so low we could touch it as we hiked.


5:34 pause here - This is the one i have and is a great antenna this one is : " Televes DATBOSS LR Mix UHF VHF Long Range Antenna with LTE Filter (149883)".

Thanks a lot for your video.


I recently installed a pair of antennas aim at different targets. One is oriented to North West and the other to South West. The antennas are very similar, almost identical to the one you are describing. The arrange I got can pull signals as far as 90 miles. Those stations aren't to stable but for the most part they are. All the stations in the 45 mile range are very good and strong reaching a 60 to 89 % strength. The only big problem I have is with one channel, uhf NBC 39 channel 28. Some times the image and signal is good but suddenly the image cutoff and stays off for several minutes and then comes back again. I think the NW antenna should be redirect it because the strength of this channel is between 30 and 50%.
Finally I should say that this a very good antenna for its price.
I can get up to 90 channels in optimal conditions, and 60 for the most part if the time


THE one stop YouTube library for common sense TV antenna questions and answers . 👍👍


I went with a Winegard 7700. I’m about 40 miles from towers but they are in 3 different directions. I had a 30 year old radio shack preamp with variable gain that I had in a box since the analog days. Surprisingly it still worked and the antenna got all my stations even though it’s a directional I found a sweet spot. I did need to remove a powered splitter because that over amped the signal...wide fluctuations in signal strength standard splitter did the job.
