Ancient Roman Artifact Discovered in Mexico - Episode 11

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There are a number of artifacts in Mexico that many point to as evidence of Old world contact between the Americas and Europe/Africa. A few examples are the supposed Roman Head found in Mexico, the African Olmec Heads at La Venta, and the supposed Handbags at La Venta and Tula.

Chapter 11: Pre-Columbian Old World Contact in Ancient Mesoamerica

2001 Comments on the "Mesoamerican evidence of Pre-Columbian transoceanic contacts" by Hristov and Genovés in Ancient Mesoamerica 10:207-213, 1999, Ancient Mesoamerica. 12 (1): 79-81 - Schaaf, Peter and Günther Wagner

“Roman Trade With the Canary Islands” (1997) - Andrew L. Slayman

“Mystery of the Sumerian: Handbags SOLVED” (YouTube)(2019) - Dr. David Miano

“The role of cult and feasting in the emergence of Neolithic communities. New evidence from Göbekli Tepe, south-eastern Turkey” (2012) - Oliver Dietrich, Manfred Heun, Jens Notroff, Klaus Schmidt and Martin Zarnkow
“Timaeus”(360 B.C.) - Plato

“Ancient Apocalypse”(2023) (Netflix) Graham Hancock

“An Anthropological Study on the Origin of ‘Olmecs’” (1972) - Andrzej Wierciński.
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Great work. Thank u. Love how u featured the magazine in the video,


Archeologists don't like things that mess up the established timeline.


Snake charmers come to take the snakes away - often done in modern times using woven baskets. Maybe rome is a mistranslation of Roma - who are known to be fearless about handling snakes, monitor lizards, etc. In their india tribes today. Also known for dancing and for connection to the ancient travelers in multiple countries


You find things up in Utah and Nevada too


Of course people were here.
People and civilization go way back before "they'll " ever admit to...


Those statues are looking a little swarthy. Can we get a physiognomy check?


100% Indonesia, austasian peoples and other eastern European, eurasian and asian people came here before the modern narrative. They had long established trade routes with Africa which puts everyone in the same boat (literally) before the 1500s


hand bags are still mystery worldwide. Did Olmec leave any structures? What's you take on the Olmec who were older than aztec/mayan


I heard a story about Vikings in tulum


Everyone seems to forget Egypts first city Memphis was created by a Sumerian. Sumerians were Indo-European, basically white (arab) people. These people later created the pyramids of Giza The Sumerians prided themselves being the highest of civilization after the 'great' flood. However they themselves mentioned they were visited by a greater people with long black hair and had no beards. Great in stature.

What's far more fascinating is that all languages across both continents are essentially a single language and simply separated by dialects. All tribes on both continents say they are Red Men. First born.

Mitochondrial Haplogroup X2a. Found in 'semitic' groups in the Mediterranean, originates in North and South America.

People like to nitpick history. The Hittite Empire speaks of Egypt. Rome does. Even their oldest documents describe the origins of the first peoples there.

The very first king of Egypt, the first Dynasty was a Sumerian. Literally.

The stories of the Ojibwey explain they returned home after a great flood, which swallowed their great city in the Atlantic and later expanded from the East Shores of North America to the West.

You will find there are tens of thousands of ancient copper and iron mines along the great lakes. Along with Helmits. Spears. Armor. Swords. This is fact.

Look at their Ojibwey Migration Story. It explains it. All their settlements are where all the mines are.

Within ALL languages of North and South America contain, within the linguistics, are: Galilean-Aramaic, Adamic-Hebrew, Latin and Greek. This is fact.

There is soo much to know.

Adam was Red Skinned. Even the Indo-European origin story explains they descended from Red Men long ago. But White folk are made from Black folk. So for the Afrocentrics, who comes from who?


Look at my 8 year olds DRAWING and look at Monument 19 and see the similarities.


The south American head looks like a dwarf to me
