My Slow and Calm Morning Routine

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Last week I was asked in the comments if I would make a video about my morning routine. I have a very slow start to each day, but one that nurtures me and allows me to maintain my energy.

In this video I discuss the need for all kinds of morning routines to be shown, how my Addisons Disease effects how I function in the mornings and what things I have found help in easing me into the day.

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I’m watching this drinking coffee and eating toast in bed. I don’t get the trend of getting up at 5.30 am as if it’s a moral imperative. I’m just thankful that I’m not at an office desk at 7.30 am anymore.


What a lovely honest video Jane. My routine is to make two cups of tea. One I take up to my husband, and the other accompanies me on a walk around my tiny walled garden, deadheading the odd geranium and seeing what needs a bit of encouragement. I then sit on my sofa and do a few minutes stitching of whatever my current project is. I find that returning to two of my passions, gardening and stitching, reminds me of the joys to be found in the everyday. Thank you as always for sharing.


You are my type of girl, ...I don't make appointments before 11am..!!!!❤❤❤


I am watching this video and I immediately had to respond. After watching your house tour, I noticed your red lipstick. I thought that it looked lovely. I made a special trip to purchase myself a red lipstick. You inspired me!!


I do so appreciate you. For starters, I can actually LISTEN to you, whereas I cannot listen to most people talking b/c they talk so fast. And I can relate to everything you're saying. So thank you; I have a sense that you represent a great many of us. My morning routine begins with the practice of staring out the window while I sip my first cup of coffee - well, after I've fed the cat, of course...


Good morning Jane, I have also slow morning routine.
I have got some health problems as heartfailure, POTS, Fibromyalgia and diabetes type-2.

When I wake up I'm HUNGRY!! My body screams FOOD.
I start my mornings in my bed which I can raise the headside and sit comfortably in 😊.
I take a large bowl of Greek yoghurt with a large amount of frozen wild blueberries (started with blueberry 6 years ago). I also make me a good amount of coffee... my 2 dogs sleeps in my big bed. My two cats walks in and out depending of the weather condition.
I sit and view youtube videos like yours, calm videos.. and it takes about 1, 5 hour until I feel my body has woken up....
I walk around the kitchen and take my morning medicine, fix a little in my messy kitchen, empty the dishwasher, fill it with some new dirty dishes that have been waiting to be placed. I get dressed and drink a lot of water, then we go for a dog walk and usually one of the cats also comes along. When we come home the dogs get their food. I make me a cup of coffee and some "knäckebröd"/hard bread.. then the clock is about 11 am 😂.

Love your videos


Thanks for the video. Gratefully, at 69, I ease into my day. Wake to no alarm. Some easy stretches in bed. I'm in U.S. so coffee is a must. A little inspirational reading. Maybe some knitting or painting. Nothing planned before 10:00 A.M. It's fantastic !


I love the sound of your morning routine with the birds, absolutely delightful. Thank you.


I love that its YOU that is the ambassador for the middle aged woman....❤...all power to you❤i enjoy all that you have to thoughtfully say x with love from a fellow middleager. Xxx


Really enjoyed your "waffling" this morning bringing my very slow morning routine to a close. I have no reason really for needing a slow morning start apart from it's allowed as a 68 year old retiree and boy do I enjoy it! Good morning to all other slow living exponents, next, off to pick dahlias for each room of the house Xxx


Jane this was lovely to watch. I'm a bright pink lipstick person and have been I think since I was about 18. I feel not me without it.
My morning routine is that Gerry brings me my cup of tea and I read a few pages of whatever book I'm reading and then I get up and wander and potter for about an hour. Picking flowers in my slippers and dressing gown. Moving things around (I do this a lot). Thinking about what I'll cook for dinner . And wandering the garden. This can easily take an hour or so .And then I get dressed. Sounds busy but is actually a very gentle start to my day x


For many years my ‘trademark’ has been my red lipstick. I favour the coral red over blue red. I joked during our mask wearing era that I was saving a fortune (I was a nurse so had to be masked up all day).
It’s refreshing to hear someone speak of a slow morning routine. x


You and the flowers incredibly beautiful. I thought the flowers were lily pads. Your lipstick stunning. My darling husband was a Sparrow. I have always been an Owl. How I miss him and that morning cup of tea. A thermos tea just doesn’t taste the same. Bless and treasure every da.y. 1st your husband, 2nd your feet and then your darling dogs. Thank you for bring joy into my life. 🌈


Thought provoking Jane, thank you. Before I became ill I wore mascara and lipstick every day, now I never bother but some cheerful lipstick might help me feel more like myself again and help with the feeling of mourning the loss of my previous life


My "lipstick" is a pair of earrings and a Spitz of lovely perfume. Miracle, poem or bright crystal. ❤


As an active 70 year old, I live my life the way I want with my family. I am not a morning person, and a slow breakfast, coffee and enjoying my garden first thing is what I enjoy most. I like to ease my way into the day. I found this video very refreshing and honest, thanks for that. What a lovely bright light you are to listen too.


🌸☺️ red lipstick 💄 is beautiful on you indeed


lol…. You made my day, laughing at your observations of these high-maintenance morning routines that probably do take four hours to complete! Bravo for keeping your own pace and leisurely adapting to the day. I’m a morning person that wakes up at 4:00 a.m., because I like the quiet time and the first sound of birds. I refuse to make these early hours a productive boot-camp. Your routine sounds lovely.


Hi Jane thank you for this lovely calm video. My morning routine is by necessity calm slow paced and nourishes my soul spirit and body. I am grateful to have learned after much struggle to accept my changing health and value myself and my body even with all its current limitations. Instead of mentally cursing myself or weeping because I can no longer leap out of bed hit the ground running and power through a morning routine which included gym, swimming, organising my own household and housecleaning, care of elderly parents in their house a long and arduous commute all before starting my workday in a challenging profession, my chronic health issues mean a slow gentle easing into the day is all I can cope with. It has taken a while and has involved a steep learning curve for me but I have learned to respect and value my body mind and spirit to the point where they are the number one focus for my intention and strength and energy. I prioritise prayer as its the closest I get to meditation, fresh air and early morning light on the patio, fun with our springer spaniel in our large garden, and a cup of tea. Take good care of yourself Jane and God bless you, Vera in Northern Ireland ❤


I do the same thing - I have coffee and watch the birds and listen to birdsong in the morning.
