How long does a heart stent last

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Arteries are muscle not a pipe. How long does a heart stent last depends on what you do after the heart stent. Also we have to think that a stent just does not unclog arteries and you are good to go.
This is where cardiac rehabilitation becomes very important to help prevent another emergency room visit and another heart stent.
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@ 45 years old last year I had a Massive Widow maker Heart Attack 100% Blockage... I was Rushed to Emergency and 1 hour and 15 minutes from first encounter with EMS I was in ICU recovery from angioplasty and had a Heart stent implanted. Still recovering but I am alive! Thanks to all the hard working Men and women in the Medical Field, and the Technology.


My mother had a heart stent inserted at 82; she died at 102 years of age - not from heart issues. She walked regularly, was positive and had a good two active decades afterwards. Well worth it!


I am 87 years old and have had a stent for 13 years. Stent definitely extended my life.


I had a stent put in 11 years ago. I was worn out prior to the operation. The past 11 years have been a bonus, one day at a time .We are all on borrowed time.


I am 85 and had two stents in my heart in 2011, feel grate, I walk up to 8-10 km per outing none stop and without losing my deep breathtaking, here is my medication; Aspirin 81 mg, blood thin Bisoprolol 5mg, Ramipril 5mg, Atorvastatin 40mg. I am hoping to continue my walks for the next 5-10 years to see my 4 great grandchildren graduate from Public School, wont that be grate?


Amazing that this is the only cardiologist I’ve ever heard say this! Personally, I know getting 2 stints as an emergency saved my life and therefore they extended my life!


I'm 76. Had heart attack yesterday. Blood lot....had Stent Inserted. Home today. Exhausted but alive.


Stents don't prolong life? I went into the E.R. with some chest pain. After the tests, the E.R. doctor and the cardiologist determined one coronary artery was 80 percent blocked and the other was 95 percent blocked. This was on a Friday and the doctors said I wouldn't live through the weekend. Was transported to another hospital where stents were put into my heart. This was 2015. I never had a heart attack and the pain never recurred. I didn't do cardiac rehab, but exercise as much as I can for a guy getting close to 70, and I try to eat well. I'm on heart meds for AFib that's been with me for decades. So I don't agree stents won't prolong one's life. I would be dead for 7 years had the stents not been installed, but I'm very much alive, thank God.


I am 82 had a widow maker heart attack at age 72 they put two Stents in been doing great for 10 years they do work try to eat right and get exercise they saved my life.


I've had 4 stents a pacemaker and a 5 bypass in a year and a half time. That was three years ago and just turned 80.


I inherited 4 stents in 2010, which required me to retire from aviation. Since then I've never been better. No more stress from that job was a huge factor. 👍🇺🇸🇺🇸


I've had a stent in my RCA for the past 26 years and it hasn't caused any problems... I was 36 at the time! I've been taking statins, now Repatha and have always gotten lots of exercise.. and now at 61 I can still ride my bike 30+ miles. And that's not on rail trails but very hilly terrain in north central MA at a fast pace... so I've been very fortunate. It was put in under emergency conditions with a 97% blockage.. but I got to the ER fast and don't have any damage.


I have a renowned cardiologist for this region. He very much sees the heart and circulatory system as plumbing. A pump and plumbing. I had three stents placed in 2004, and since have been on a beta blocker, aspirin, and a statin. I get checked periodically and aside from weight gain have remained cardiac healthy since. I exercise as well. The idea that stents and or bypass surgery are a waste of time appears to be a dangerous proposition as medical science has proven to save countless lives through these procedures and follow on therapies. My cardiologist severely disagrees with your theories. And he saved my life.


Thank you for be so upfront with it . I couldn’t agree more …. 🙏❤️


I had a heart attack more than 20 years ago, i have 3 stents, still going strong


Yes life saver for me i had a massive heart attack 17 years ago at 49 years old. My problems are hereditary through parents i just had 2 more stents even though my cholesterol was 2/5 a few months ago so more than happy for this procedure.


I had a heart attack during a marathon run and 4 bypasses 4 yrs ago, now I am 80. I feel great and still runs long distance marathon but moderate heart rate and slower pacing.


My First " 3 " Stents Were Put in When I was 45 Years Old . Now I am 66 Years Old, So Right Now They Have Lasted 21 Years Plus !


I had one because my left descending artery (widow maker location) was suddenly 95% clogged and it was either open this up OR roll the dice with ONLY medication to lower the LDL and plaque hoping to avoid heart attack or death. I see stents as less invasive than bypass and better than relying solely on medication which takes time. The point of the stent for me....remove the angina, open up the artery and allow me to continue exercising which, by the way, was the trigger for my angina in the first place. Apparently, lifestyle changes (including positive ones) can create a sudden total blockage because as you loosen and lower the cholesterol through exercise and diet it has to go somewhere and IF you already have cardiac disease it's a possible issue as I realized. So, my blockage in the artery could have been 25% just a day ago when I had been doing the exact same exercising and then in a couple days the blockage formed's not always something that happens for decades as I found out. I literally had NO issues only a few days prior to the start of chest pains when jogging or walking up just never know.

Now with a stent, I was able to get back to exercising without having issues and my diet has never been the issue as this is hereditary unfortunately and only addressed with these medications. They are working and after 6 months the atorvastatin has lowered my LDL from 140 to below 70 and it's still dropping which is the key. That is what MAY prolong my life (GOD willing)...NOT the stent itself of course. That is what he was saying in the video....the stent is simply a tool used along with medications and exercise and so forth....a multi-pronged approach to tackling high cholesterol and heart disease. Ultimately, GOD can take my life anytime HE wants as the only thing I am guaranteed is today....yesterday is gone, tomorrow doesn't exist. I'm thankful for such a simple thing as a stent to improve my chances....I don't worry about 'how long I have' since I or these doctors cannot control that anyway....


I've been living with several stents for almost eighteen years.
