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In the last 50 years, everything in the world of data management technology has evolved with dizzying speed, except this one area. We still build most of our information systems with 50-year old technology that causes enormous frustration, cost and struggle.Fifty years later, we have invented and proven a technology that easily captures information will all the context and relationships that the organization wants.
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Its great to hear ur voice long time no see


See the Future of Database Technology - ATOMIC-DB


To our view of thinking, having now worked with Hadoop for the last 5 weeks, Hadoop is a very expensive use of energy and money..  and over time will not scale anyway..  who cares if it's free, if you have to pay a DATA SCIENTIST 450$./hr year round and most likely more than one..  not to mention tripling Hardware requirements?  and therefore support personnel & software to go with it...


Watched your video. Can I make some suggestions?
a) Don't say it is written in assembly language. It's not believable, and if it is true, then you are going to have trouble with scaling, platform support, finding engineers, etc.
b) Don't say "no one else can do this." It's obviously false.
c) Don't say it scales without performance problems. A lookup, even indexed, is not constant time in reality Eventually data doesn't fit in cache, and then doesn't fit on local system, and you incur time penalties going to disk or network respectively.
d) Don't make shit up. Nth-normal form?
e) Show real-world data. 90% of data warehousing is scrubbing. Show us how you deal with NYC and New York being the same, how Springfield, IL is not Springfield, VA, or MA, etc.
f) Show the system actually solving a problem rather than just clicking around.
Too much hyperbole and BS in my opinion. You lose credibility with all that.
