Back on the bike | Road to Recovery Ep.1

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Know what's up.
Just a dude with an iphone and a GoPro who likes working out. Let me show you a different perspective of what fitness can be.
Unlike money and material things, fitness is an inherent part of human nature. Deep down we all desire to be healthier and stronger. It is an instinct we share and hold just as important as reproduction and survival mechanisms. We are designed to work towards success in all three categories. I was never "gifted" as an athlete. I tried most sports and was frequently put in unimportant positions or benched. This built the foundation of my desire to be better and stronger than those who once surpassed me. I worked at it by myself without the help of coaches or mentors and created my own training routine. A routine not based on numbers or figures, but on perception and what felt natural. I now ride most of the time without a cycling computer because I like to feel the miles and elevation based on the fatigue in my body. If I am training someone else or want to stoke my ego, yes, I will throw on a computer since that is the easiest way to train. It's just not what I like most.
Being healthy and in shape enhances every aspect of your life. But your life should not be about getting in shape, it should be about bettering your life and living how you want to. Anyone can achieve the greatest version of themselves. It does not matter where you start, but how you finish. Yet the finish line is not what matters. The journey is all we ever experience and being happy and present along the way is how we can appreciate each day. My life is about improving myself each day because I know the only important time in our lives is right now. The future is only a continuation of the present moment. It is the reason why I no longer am interested in racing or competitions. I already know I achieved what I set out to do. To me, racing always sacrificed other aspects of my life. I would skip fun rides to train, go to bed early instead of partying, and obsessively diet to attain a sub 10% body fat percentage. I realized that it is not why I started riding. I did it to get in great shape and have fun. So that's what I do now. I enjoy the great parts of life and expand my horizons past wanting to race bikes and train. I still train hard but in all aspects of fitness, not just biking. The ultimate form involves strength, speed, and endurance. With this, I can participate in any activity I want and not feel unprepared. This is the C Sup lifestyle and the reason I wanted to start a YouTube channel. Have professional level fitness and live an exciting life that involves more than just training and racing. Don't train to prove yourself to others, prove it to yourself!
The most important factor in how our bodies perform. Our cells our constantly being replaced and rejuvenated meaning we are not even the same person we were a few years ago. We truly are what we eat. Eating healthy is something we all know we need to do, yet the easy to reach temptation of junk food is always there. A few years ago, I decided to make the jump to a plant-based (vegan) diet. My diet was heavy in red meats, chicken, fish, and milk. I was by no means a vegetarian at all. After something happened that really shook me, I knew I never wanted any animal to suffer at the cost of my existence. Pretty clueless, I woke up the next morning and said, "fuck it i'm vegan." That was over two years ago and have not looked back since. I spent more time researching meals and supplements than doing homework and developed a diet that was extensive and tasty. The first year of being vegan, I won the NoCal High School MTB championship for my division and my fiercest rival was a long time vegan. After discovering the true potential of the diet I began suggesting it to peers and saw them developing more vegetarian diets. Especially during racing season. My parents saw drastic changes to their health and then I knew I needed to somehow get the message out there. I am not someone who is going to preach the diet, or shame others for their dietary choices. I'm just here to say my piece and hopefully try to mend the world's perception of vegans as pretentious and annoying. Even though they will come across as such, they are just very passionate people who want to make a positive change. I always thought vegans were weird too. Along with a fantastic diet, my research into supplementation has been a huge advantage in my life and health. By ingesting unnatural levels of certain things, you can push your body to unnatural limits. Get every advantage you can because the world is not getting any less competitive. Through healthy choices and supplements you can become dominant in whatever you put your mind to. Do everything it takes!
Just a dude with an iphone and a GoPro who likes working out. Let me show you a different perspective of what fitness can be.
Unlike money and material things, fitness is an inherent part of human nature. Deep down we all desire to be healthier and stronger. It is an instinct we share and hold just as important as reproduction and survival mechanisms. We are designed to work towards success in all three categories. I was never "gifted" as an athlete. I tried most sports and was frequently put in unimportant positions or benched. This built the foundation of my desire to be better and stronger than those who once surpassed me. I worked at it by myself without the help of coaches or mentors and created my own training routine. A routine not based on numbers or figures, but on perception and what felt natural. I now ride most of the time without a cycling computer because I like to feel the miles and elevation based on the fatigue in my body. If I am training someone else or want to stoke my ego, yes, I will throw on a computer since that is the easiest way to train. It's just not what I like most.
Being healthy and in shape enhances every aspect of your life. But your life should not be about getting in shape, it should be about bettering your life and living how you want to. Anyone can achieve the greatest version of themselves. It does not matter where you start, but how you finish. Yet the finish line is not what matters. The journey is all we ever experience and being happy and present along the way is how we can appreciate each day. My life is about improving myself each day because I know the only important time in our lives is right now. The future is only a continuation of the present moment. It is the reason why I no longer am interested in racing or competitions. I already know I achieved what I set out to do. To me, racing always sacrificed other aspects of my life. I would skip fun rides to train, go to bed early instead of partying, and obsessively diet to attain a sub 10% body fat percentage. I realized that it is not why I started riding. I did it to get in great shape and have fun. So that's what I do now. I enjoy the great parts of life and expand my horizons past wanting to race bikes and train. I still train hard but in all aspects of fitness, not just biking. The ultimate form involves strength, speed, and endurance. With this, I can participate in any activity I want and not feel unprepared. This is the C Sup lifestyle and the reason I wanted to start a YouTube channel. Have professional level fitness and live an exciting life that involves more than just training and racing. Don't train to prove yourself to others, prove it to yourself!
The most important factor in how our bodies perform. Our cells our constantly being replaced and rejuvenated meaning we are not even the same person we were a few years ago. We truly are what we eat. Eating healthy is something we all know we need to do, yet the easy to reach temptation of junk food is always there. A few years ago, I decided to make the jump to a plant-based (vegan) diet. My diet was heavy in red meats, chicken, fish, and milk. I was by no means a vegetarian at all. After something happened that really shook me, I knew I never wanted any animal to suffer at the cost of my existence. Pretty clueless, I woke up the next morning and said, "fuck it i'm vegan." That was over two years ago and have not looked back since. I spent more time researching meals and supplements than doing homework and developed a diet that was extensive and tasty. The first year of being vegan, I won the NoCal High School MTB championship for my division and my fiercest rival was a long time vegan. After discovering the true potential of the diet I began suggesting it to peers and saw them developing more vegetarian diets. Especially during racing season. My parents saw drastic changes to their health and then I knew I needed to somehow get the message out there. I am not someone who is going to preach the diet, or shame others for their dietary choices. I'm just here to say my piece and hopefully try to mend the world's perception of vegans as pretentious and annoying. Even though they will come across as such, they are just very passionate people who want to make a positive change. I always thought vegans were weird too. Along with a fantastic diet, my research into supplementation has been a huge advantage in my life and health. By ingesting unnatural levels of certain things, you can push your body to unnatural limits. Get every advantage you can because the world is not getting any less competitive. Through healthy choices and supplements you can become dominant in whatever you put your mind to. Do everything it takes!