When Victimhood Leads to Genocide - Prof. Jordan Peterson on Dekulakization

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In this excerpt of his lecture series “Maps of Meaning” psychology professor Jordan Peterson talks about an especially bleak and horrifying but relatively unknown episode in the history of the Soviet Union - the Dekulakization. He points out how enhanced victimization and the concept of class guilt ultimately led to genocide and the starvation of millions of people.

Be sure to watch the complete lecture “2017 Maps of Meaning 4: Marionettes and Individuals (Part 3)” held at the University of Toronto here:

You may also be interested to know that Jordan B. Peterson's book “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” is finally available. You can find it here:
Don't miss out on his best selling first book “Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief” which much of his lecture material is based on:

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"History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes."
- Mark Twain


Holy cow... 2 years later it’s like watching the current events page . This man is brilliant.


I'm a university student and have never come across a professor who's had an impact on me quite like Dr Peterson. God bless him


As a kid I heard on many occasions “History Repeats Itself” and after hearing this I understand that in its clearest form today.


“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” - CS Lewis


God bless this man, he's helped me out so much personally, and the world desperately needs to hear this message.


Dividing society into 2 groups and then blaming all the problems on one group doesn't end well.


I‘m impressed how dr. Peterson puts emphasis on the story of Eastern Europe. That‘s not what academic curriculum in the West teaches.


The countless conversations I've had with people who support BLM & have this exact mindset... lol unreal.


Welcome to July 2020 where we see this theory beginning to play out.


Being wronged doesn't make you right.


This may be his most important point. It always amazes me that people can’t see this. Dividing people into groups per identity politics is always step one toward authoritarianism. The next step of labeling various groups as victims and oppressors is a step toward genocide.

1+1 = 2


This exactly what happened to my grandma. My great parents was considered kulaks because they owned a little store in the village. Was robbed arrested and send in Siberia to work in a coal mine, her mother was like 40 and she was around 7 or 8. Her dad was arrested and she never saw him again. Many families died from starvation there. My guess because she and her mom was small they managed to live on a little bit of ration. We recorded video of her telling the story. It is like 3 hour long interview, maybe I publish it one day.


Now we have two groups of people in society both claiming to be victims and oppressed by the other side. This can't end well. Personal responsibility, self improvement, and community building. We need to be strong to survive the flood.


JP always teaching subjects which no one has the balls or brains to discuss. We need to protect this man at all costs. He is one of the most important people we’ll see in our lifetimes


My sincere appreciation and respect to Prof Peterson for mentioning these events in Ukraine! My great-grandfather had fields and had been making 3500 liters of wine every year to sell. He also had cows, horses, etc. But then anti-kulaks came and grandpa has been sent to Siberia where he died. Of course everything he had (land, goods, animals, etc.) has been stolen in a "legal" way.
God bless JP


This is exactly the case in South Africa, and now developing in the United States


I have several Kulaks in my family history - poor people. Some had their livelihood simply taken away, some were sent off to Siberia and left to die (though they survived). And it terrifies me to no end to see the parallels of what is happening in the West right now to what happened in Russia back then. It's like we're stuck in some sick loop, doomed to relive it. I keep trying to warn people in my life, but they shrug it off or think I'm exaggerating. I just hope enough people will wake up - otherwise the horror hasn't yet begun.


My sister says we need to “re distribute the wealth” and that you “can’t be racist to white people”... never have I felt so much pity and resentment for my own kind...
