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Always consult a financial advisor or attorney for the most accurate information that pertains to your credit situation! Always pay your debts BEFORE they hit your credit. Individual results will vary, based on differences in credit reports, contract terms, state laws and statute of limitations. I make no guarantees that this method will work for you. Trust but verify and do your homework!

FIRST: pull your credit report & identify what is lowering your score.

-1. You don’t have ENOUGH credit established.
-2. You have late payments on your report.
-3. You have accounts in COLLECTIONS
-4. Your accounts are closed to being maxed out
-5. You have a public record such as a bankruptcy or foreclosure.

-CALL the creditor and negotiate the terms of the debt and ask if they can adjust your account status back to current/paid.
-EXPLAIN you are having a tough time and ask if they can remove the late payment as a COURTESY.
-IDENTIFY any inaccuracies and dispute it.

-DISPUTE, DISPUTE, DISPUTE any errors or inaccuracies (name, account opened date, account amount, etc) Should you pay a debt collector in order to repair your credit report or is there a better way to go about collections
-Ask the lender to VALIDATE the debt
-ASK FOR “PAY FOR DELETION”* while I don’t recommend this method, here is how it can be used: Get a letter from the collection agency that states they will DELETE the negative account from your Credit Report, upon receipt of payment. If the account balance is already “$0.00” but the status of the negative collection is still on your report, dispute the debt anyway with the credit bureaus.
-If (Equifax, Experian and/or TransUnion) cannot prove the debt, it’ll get removed*

1. Pay down OR PAY OFF your credit cards, loans or any revolving accounts,
2. Ask for the credit card company to raise your credit limit-(DO NOT USE MORE CREDIT; BE RESPONSIBLE).
I raised my credit score over 300+ points and I didn't have to pay anyone! The most common misconception of improving one's credit score is that if you pay your collections accounts reported on your credit report, this will help your credit score. WRONG! I will explain why disputing collections accounts from your credit report is the BEST method to raise your score! Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. This is strictly for informational purposes and does not replace the advice from a financial advisor, credit bureaus agent or attorney.

🎬 Credit Repair | Lexington Law/ TheCreditPros:

#CreditScore #CollectionsandCharge #LifeWithJazzyMac

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One thing I wanted to add is, when you send in a written (typed) dispute letter, please be sure NOT to physically sign your name. Instead, just type your name at the bottom of the letter. Some people will type their name and also sign their name in ink. DO NOT SIGN YOUR NAME IN INK! By signing your “signature” in ink to a dispute letter, gives the credit bureaus another way of validating the debt - your signature! The credit bureau’s will contact the creditor to obtain a copy of the original contract (if it’s available). Once or if it’s obtained, they will compare the signature on the contract to the hand written signature on your dispute letter. More than likely the signatures will be match and the credit bureau’s will deem your account “VALID”! So, the moral of the story is, only type your signature at the bottom of your dispute letters, no ink allowed! Hope this helps!!


I managed a collection agency and I’d like to offer suggestions and some corrections. 1. Collection agencies don’t always buy debt. The trend for many decades has been to accept debt for a percentage of collections. For example, if they collect they get paid, if they don’t well they don’t. 2. Disputing doesn’t always work, even if you have legitimate claims. It can take multiple disputes sometimes which is unfortunate. 3. IF you are unsuccessful getting an item removed and you seek to pay it off I recommend two things. First, contact the collection agency and negotiate a settlement. ALWAYS get the settlement offer in writing. Most agencies will say they will report it as a “Paid Collections” item. DO NOT accept that. It’s the same as paying the original amount and will stay on your credit. Get the agreement in writing that the agency will REMOVE it completely from your report. Next, send a physical check and DO NOT pay online. Write your account number and “Paid in FULL” on the memo line. If a collection agency accepts it then they are agreeing to those terms. Which leads me to my next suggestion. You can write that in the memo as a settlement offer without speaking to them or negotiating the offer and if the agency accepts it that’s done. For example, if you owe $1000 and you send a check for $150 as a settlement offer and you write the above in the memo section and the agency cashes it, that’s acceptance of your offer. If you do either I recommend sending any correspondence by certified mail which provides you proof of receipt, I also strongly suggest reiterating any settlement offers with a letter stating your offer or agreed upon settlement. Take pictures of the letter and check as well as the certified mail receipt because many issues arise from “he said, she said” and unless you have irrefutable proof you likely won’t have a leg to stand on. 4. Lastly, if you can’t pay it in full, negotiate a settlement, work out payments that are short term, etc. it is best NOT to pay the debt. The reason is that the time clock starts ticking with the last payment you make not the original date of the debt. For example, you owe $1000 and can’t afford to pay it within a year or two and you make a payment, the date of the last payment starts the seven year clock over so instead of the original date which might have been a year or two earlier means that it could be on your credit far longer than seven years. I hope this information was helpful. Best of luck!


I know this video is over a year old but it’s what gave me the information to MAIL a letter to my debt collector who had since given my debt to a 4th party. I asked them to do exactly what she said, to mail me back my original contract and in the next 30 days. I was fully expecting them to mail it to me. I received an email this week from the original debt collection company saying they had “recalled” my debt and have terminated collection efforts and request the credit bureaus DELETE OUR TRADELINE! I am honestly stunned. This shit never happens for me I’m telling you. If anyone is curious, the debt was with Jefferson Capitol Systems who then gave it to Unifin (who when I called immediately tried getting me to settle over the phone and when I asked questions the woman got so irritated with me and eventually she HUNG UP ON ME) Thank you again for your golden information, you are an American treasure. ❤❤❤


My favorite saying, “Just because you say it doesn’t mean I have to pay it.”


I've never seen someone on youtube give such credible realistic advice. I can vouch for everything she's saying. I did my own research/investigation and this was my exact conclusion. I did it and my score went from 485 to 781.... and counting! Wish I had seen this sooner🤣


I cried while watching this video because of how easy I was able to understand so much about credit in a short period of time. You are blessed and deserved to be blessed to infinity!! Thank you😭😭😭😭😭


You know I was just praying in the bathroom, it’s like 4 in the morning where I am at. Saying to God, “ lord help me with this debt I owe “ let you will be done” “not my own” 20 mins later I lay down in my bed and boom! your video pops up on my suggestion videos. What a blessing, it only you O God! Thank you for all this valuable information I will put to good use🙏🏾


i was upset about my credit when I started your video, but listening to you talk made me super CALM! Thank you for your credit wisdom and your soothing voice.


I purchased her ebook and was able to raise my score 96 points. My score has since went up 20 more points. I’m headed to the 800’s very soon. Thanks for the real-time information Jazzy Mac❤️


A lot of black women are highly experienced in managing the income of their household and have built up knowledge that would be so beneficial for people to know, so I love that you made this video!


Free game. Thank you for this information. There are so many “Credit Repair Specialists” out here charging people an arm and a leg for what you just gave the masses for free. Thank you.


As a former 17 year bankster I can tell you this video is very accurate! Good video!


UPDATE: Credit score went up 121 points using your credit boosting templates! Thank you!! ❤️


I took my son to the ER for severe pain in his ear. After 3 hours the doc finally came in and said "we don't do ears here." Upon discharge from the ER paperwork showed nothing done no medication given no referral given
The following day took him to urgent care. They daw him right away fixed the problem and charged $125. Next thing I know I get a bill from hospital for $1700. I wrote letter and disputed it. Never paid the bill. Then a collection agency got involved. I sent COPIES of the original ER discharge papers showing no help from hispital and sent COPY of paperwork from Urgent Care. Collection agency never bothered me again.


God sent you down my timeline. Exactly what I was planning on doing and I’ve would’ve been pissed. Thank you


You’re the GOAT for this one!
Well, I was taught financial literacy in high school. Unfortunately, a few accounts held me back due to a roommate situation. Living in the same state you know how to navigate your needs even with not so perfect credit. Now that I am moving upward in life, I definitely took the route of paying things off. But you are absolutely right that we have a legal right as consumers to dispute accounts based on certain grounds. And baby! I literally saved $3500 and my credit score is back at a 700.

Please, please please everyone! Do your research and put in the work. You should not be held back by being financially uneducated in your early adult years. Especially when you were trying to correct it now.
Happy Happy New Year to everyone and I hope all MY people 😉 have a prosperous year and teach our babies how to be financially responsible so they don’t go through what we did.❤


Finally the YouTube algorithm suggested a video I didn’t even know I needed! You have such a lovely delivery style! I am here for it! You’ve given great info and I’m forwarding this to my daughter and will show my husband so we can get our ducks in a row to buy a home! Thank you soo much for sharing this info sis! 🥰 You’ve earned a new subscriber!


Thank you for actually caring about others & not being selfish with all your information, tips & tricks for FREE! You have my attention. New Subbie 😉


You made this more simple and digestible than the many videos I’ve binge watched on credit. I didn’t have family that could guide me thru the world of finance so I’m learning the hard way at 22 but you just gave me the courage to educate myself and tackle this. Thank you 🙏


This is pretty much what my late husband taught me too. He always said DON'T PAY IT. I never knew that I thought you still had to pay it once it was sold to a collection agency. I have also had collection accounts closed because I disputed it due to age. This is a great video, know your rights
