5 Unexplained Mysteries Of Space Yet To Be Solved!
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The myriads of stars that make up observable space are just a drop in the ocean of the vast of the whole universe. Within these dark reaches of space, illuminated by stars and other cosmic bodies, mankind has stumbled upon numerous unexplained mysteries that still need answers today. So prepare for 5 Unexplained Mysteries Of Space Yet To Be Solved! Lets....Begin!
1. Methane On Mars
The presence of methane on Mars has led scientists to question whether their could be alien organisms beneath the surface. Methane is produced in abundance by the life present on Earth, but the presence of Methane on mars has left scientists intrigued. Methane is also released by chemical reactions in Rocks, however the possibility has led scientists to search for organic life on, or in, Mars. A probe named the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter has been sent to investigate the strange phenomenon.
2. 9th Planet
Scientists have uncovered evidence of a 9th planet hidden beyond Pluto, on the furthest extent of the Milky Way. Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown have been following the gravitational shadow of a planet not directly observable, lieing on the edge of the solar system. Astronomers around the world are currently searching for this possible “missing” planet, trying to get the first definitive evidence of its form and existence. But the search continues....
3. Pyramid On Ceres
Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt that lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter and it continues to baffle science with the most recent observation being a 5-mile high structure that seems to strangely resemble a pyramid. Whilst NASA describes the structure as “a mountain with steep slopes protruding from a relatively smooth area of the dwarf planet’s surface” conspiracy theorists are convinced that this structure is indeed a pyramid of alien origin.
4. Void In Space
Astronomers discovered a “supervoid” in space which current models reflect should be containing roughly 10,000 galaxies. The “void” stretches 1.8 billion light-years across, but it is barren. The area in space that it is located in is known to be much colder than the majority of the universe and is not part of a vacuum. This area devoid of anything appears to be on trajectory with the movement of the Milky Way. The Milky Way is current moving towards the “supervoid” at roughly 14 miles per hour.
5. Gravity
Gravity is a natural phenomenon that all things with energy possess, but also a phenomenon that is not completely understood. Despite the facts that are known about the nature of gravity, no equations exist that bind quantum physics and general relativity. Once science can tie these two aspects, perhaps gravity will be understood to a larger degree. But for now, we will have to stick to what we have.
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1. Methane On Mars
The presence of methane on Mars has led scientists to question whether their could be alien organisms beneath the surface. Methane is produced in abundance by the life present on Earth, but the presence of Methane on mars has left scientists intrigued. Methane is also released by chemical reactions in Rocks, however the possibility has led scientists to search for organic life on, or in, Mars. A probe named the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter has been sent to investigate the strange phenomenon.
2. 9th Planet
Scientists have uncovered evidence of a 9th planet hidden beyond Pluto, on the furthest extent of the Milky Way. Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown have been following the gravitational shadow of a planet not directly observable, lieing on the edge of the solar system. Astronomers around the world are currently searching for this possible “missing” planet, trying to get the first definitive evidence of its form and existence. But the search continues....
3. Pyramid On Ceres
Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt that lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter and it continues to baffle science with the most recent observation being a 5-mile high structure that seems to strangely resemble a pyramid. Whilst NASA describes the structure as “a mountain with steep slopes protruding from a relatively smooth area of the dwarf planet’s surface” conspiracy theorists are convinced that this structure is indeed a pyramid of alien origin.
4. Void In Space
Astronomers discovered a “supervoid” in space which current models reflect should be containing roughly 10,000 galaxies. The “void” stretches 1.8 billion light-years across, but it is barren. The area in space that it is located in is known to be much colder than the majority of the universe and is not part of a vacuum. This area devoid of anything appears to be on trajectory with the movement of the Milky Way. The Milky Way is current moving towards the “supervoid” at roughly 14 miles per hour.
5. Gravity
Gravity is a natural phenomenon that all things with energy possess, but also a phenomenon that is not completely understood. Despite the facts that are known about the nature of gravity, no equations exist that bind quantum physics and general relativity. Once science can tie these two aspects, perhaps gravity will be understood to a larger degree. But for now, we will have to stick to what we have.
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