Mario Draghi: Can The Man Who Saved the Euro Now Save Italy? - TLDR News

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Following the collapse of Giuseppe Conte's coalition, technocrat Mario Draghi was invited to take his place. They're hoping that the man who saved the Euro is now capable of saving the country. So in this video we explain what happened to Conte, who Draghi is and what he needs to do in order to be successful.

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Рекомендации по теме

the World: "are you still in a crisis?"
Italy: "I was born in it, molded by it..."


Italian politics is like a soap serie. Every year a new season with new actors and new challenges.


English speakers: *Giuseppi Conti*


Italian here: in my country a political shift is not a crisis, it's just a normal thing in our routine


When his surname litterally means dragons but you chose the Mario joke.


Italian here: crisis in Italy is just routine, i was born during a crisis, raised during a crisis and i’m now trying to build a future during a crisis


Draghi: becomes PM
News: *Italy has conquered Europe, recolonized Africa and is marching into Moscow as we speak*


Draghi may have not direct involvement in politics, but he has a long history of dealing with politicians, so believe me, he is in no danger.
His stature alone makes look most of the politicians in the parliament like little children.
Also, italian politicians like to yell and complain in front of cameras, but it's all talk.
Evidence of this: Mario Monti was critized and blamed in front of cameras, but his reforms got up to 90% approval in the parliament.


Excluding the almost-21-years-long Mussolini's dictatorial government, from its very foundation in 1861 to today Italy had 130 governments, meaning the average duration of an Italian government is only 1 year and 25 days circa and, of course, no Italian republican government ever lasted one whole legislature.
So yeah, we are used to it. Welcome to Italian politics, I guess.


Technically speaking, there is no difference between the technocrats and others, we don't vote for the prime minister here in Italy, we vote for the parties, then they agree on a prime minister, and can agree again later on a different prime minister. This is different than the USA and maybe also the UK. So, if the parties agrees that I am the new prime minister, I'll be the new prime minister, even if people never heard of me before, cause people never voted for Berlusconi or for Renzi or for me, they voted for the parties that then agreed and formed a majority around one name. What defines a technocrat, in this context, is that they are able to do something and proved it, and are called for that reason, while politicians are only able to get votes.


TLDR: will technocratic government save Italy, or it just start of another political crises in Italy?

ME: When Italy doesnt have political crises


Mario Draghi incarnates both Super Mario and Bowser in his name
Just saying


I don't understand how the "super mario" joke is always so funny to English speakers


Good luck Italia. You deserve and need it. Your european friends.


Ho capito di più in 9 minuti di video che in 6 ore di maratona Mentana


I'm Italian and thanks to you I've FINALLY figured out what the hell is going on in my country (yes, I'm part of that 46% of the people who didn't understand the reason for this crisis, don't judge me lol)


Italy parliament is different than the UK or the USA ones: you never actually vote the government, but just the parliament composition. The government policies are shaped by which party is keeping the government up. So in a sense, the government is always the representant of most people, but rarely of a political majority (this always means that no one is ever happy with it, by the way).
So, while the parliament is, or should be, the country representation, the government should always act as technical.
Now, this is quite a complicated system, and even most Italians do not understand it, but Italy changing government is less of a big deal than most other countries.


TLDR: Saving the eurozone was the easy part for Draghi.


As an Italian, you absolutely butchered the names 😂 All of them. But the content int his video is very very well done, and i’ve enjoyed seeing my country’s political mess from the outside. At least you Brits can see you’re not the only ones with a zoo in the parliament hahaha


POV: Your Mario and your task is to save Italy
