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I often get placed in the 'Gear Doesn't Matter' group, but I think the truth is more nuanced than that.

My favourite walkaround camera of the moment is my Leica Q2. I really love this camera. But often if someone shoots on a Leica, they get labelled a poser or a hipster. But Cartier-Bresson shot on a Leica. Was he just a poser? Robert Capa shot on a Leica. Joel Meyerowitz, Fred Herzog and many other well respected photographers.

When Cartier-Bresson caught that ‘decisive moment’, his gear mattered. And it’s not because of high-resolution images or great dynamic range or super sharp motion capture. It’s because he was comfortable with his camera. And this is why gear matters.

By far the biggest determining factor in making either good and bad images is the photographer.

You will take your best images with the camera you enjoy using the most. The idea that the ergonomics and aesthetics of a camera don’t matter, and it’s just for hipsters etc. is shortsighted and untrue. A camera that makes you want to pick it up and use it, is a camera that will make you take more photos with it. And a camera that makes you take more photos is a camera that gives you more practise both using the camera and making images. There’s no better way to learn that actually practising something.

♫ Music

● Cabin Crew (ft. Taiyo Ky) by Blue Wednesday


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*A quick video to announce my moving cities and to celebrate the love of your favourite camera, whatever that may be.*


I'd say, it's not so much "gear doesn't matter", but more, "the right gear matters".
What is the "right gear"?
Totally depends on the person and what they're doing.


My take on "Gears doesn't matters" is when you want to start trying something. But when you know what you want to make, then "Gears matters" comes in.
I just hate people yelling "Gears doesn't matter" like I can use a stock 18-35mm to shoot football games.


I have thought many times photo gear is like a musician who has his favorite guitar and his favorite amplifier that creates his sound, photographers have their favorite cameras and their favorite lighting which helps create their images just a thought! Nicely done video!


To your point, I've always said that one thing no one has discussed is "form factor." Back in the film days we had much more choice in form factor than we do now. How the photographer melds with their camera's form factor is pretty much what you are talking about.


I like Olympus. I like how its looks, ergonomics and price. Makes me want to shoot everyday. As Metallica says.. nothing else matters 😀


I think there's also a factor of 'this gear makes me feel like a photographer' - the way a fine mahogany desk might make you feel more like a writer, or wearing a beret might make you feel more like a painter (it might!). It's self-motivational. Your camera being similar to one used by HCB can put you in the right mindset - I pick this up, I feel serious.

Anyway, another great video. Hope you like Bath.


Thanks Jamie. Much appreciated. I appreciate your love for this artform (it’s contagious) and your well thought of, researched and not one sided points of view. Your videos have helped me to keep it real! Blessings man.


When I bought my Eos 2000D at that time, it was an upgrade to my simple little digital camera (point and shoot) and I love my 2000D I love how chonky it is how it feels and this little click noise every time I press the shutter button and I took my best (so far) photos with it and I also had to listen to how inadequate this camera is and that and I quote "for a pro would be useless" That may be true but as I immerse myself with my 2000D more and more in the topic I understood at some point that it is not about the others it is about me my camera and the Story of the picture everything else is irrelevant as long as it is the right thing for me


My most important piece of gear is a camerastrap I recently bought. All of a sudden it's really comfortable walking around with my camera. I now find myself taking my camera even when I go out for a little walk. Certainly not the most expensive piece of gear, but it does make me pick up my camera more.


SACROSANCT!! If you cannot stand even the ergonomics of your camera (let alone the experience she delivers), no matter how many MP you shoot with and no matter how great the lens you have on it, you'll simply leave that piece of gear behind! I am SO GLAD someone finally spelled it out!


I tried to make a video like this a while ago, think I took it down after realising I was rambling - yours is obviously leagues better!

It was a Fuji XT3 for me that inspired me to want to make a video that gear matters.
The reason for it was the experience, I love using the old school dials, and I think it looks and feels brilliant, for these and other reasons I had a different level of enjoyment and thus used it more, in turn hopefully making me slightly better with a camera.

I’m not even a Fuji fanboy, there’s plenty that annoys me with them, but my XT3 helped me turn a corner with my skills because I just wanted to use it.

Thanks for this video Jamie


"It makes me want to pick it up"

This is it. Whatever gear that inspires you to pick it up and use it, that's the gear that matters to you.


I am a musician who likes photography. I used to shoot with a wonderful Nikon F75, a cheap camera that I enjoyed very much. The same can be said for (most) musicians who think that better gear makes you a better musician. I always say that my gear has to be inspirational - I have to enjoy using it and it always makes me come up with something new. As a drummer, I played many different drum sets, but I had a lot of fun with some cheap ones. Yes, more expensive set means more options, but sometimes you just don't need them. I'm glad you share a similar opinion regarding cameras. Thank you for your wonderful videos!


I’m a fan of the saying ‘An investment in Joy’. If your gear is a pleasure to use, you’ll love using it and use it more often. I’m fortunate to have some lovely kit, and when I’m out using it, it gives me pleasure as it is a joy to use.


Highly underrated / under-reported aspects of a camera: how it wears/hands on your body on a strap? how cramped are the controls when you have you eye to the VF? can you shoot it easily left-eyed? which lens balances with it best? does it make you look like paparazzi? how much did you struggle to get into a bag?

In the long run most of my camera choice had as much to do with that criteria as with the spec'y and use-case aspects of a camera.


This video articulates EXACTLY the reason why I love Fujifilm. Fuji's brand philosophy and values are centered around the shooting experience, and they are willing to take risks in service of those tenets (X-Pro3 screen anyone?). Yes, cameras are pieces of technology, and to many that is enough. But Fuji and Leica show that cameras and lenses can also be beautiful artifacts, highly considered objects of intent and masterful industrial design. This focus on the human factor and our love as a civilized species for creativity are also the reason we're not all driving the same car. Excellent video as always Jamie!


I love it when I see a new Jamie Windsor video in my YT feed! Agree wholeheartedly that gear matters. A camera that makes you want to it pick up is one that will get you out shooting more frequently... And the more you shoot, the more your style and voice will emerge. Well done!


Very well said! It's the same reason why I can't imagine buying a new motorbike yet. The 8-year old Honda feels like an extension of me whenever we're together. The Canon 80D? - waay too heavy with the 2.8 zoom lens! I need a smaller, inexpensive one that I wouldn't be scared to carry around.


"I know a lot of people that didn't get on with it." I love British turns of phrase.

Excellent video, by the way. And absolutely true insight.
