Liquid Logo Animation Tutorial in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial - 100% Free Template

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Hey everyone, welcome back again. Liquids are amazing to see, and including them with your Logo Intro is a real fun. This week we are creating this amazing Liquid Logo Animation, which is completely made inside the Adobe After Effects, you don't have to switch to another tab for achieving the same result. This tutorial is also going to cover after effects tutorial, how to make liquid logo intro, motion graphics after effects, liquid logo after effects tutorial, logo animation in after effects, how to make logo animation in after effects, line animation in after effects, 2d flat logo intro in after effects, short logo intro in after effects, flat logo intro in after effects, logo intro after effects tutorial, text animation in after effects, liquid logo animation in after effects, liquid animation in after effects, create a liquid animation, logo reveal animation after effects, water logo after effects, liquid logo intro, liquid logo reveal, logo reveal animation, liquid logo animation template, liquid logo animation idea, liquid text after effects and more. So get ready, and learn this amazing technique.
As always, this tutorial is Free, and we are not using any Third Party Plugin for creating this.
Every single Tutorial on my channel is made with Love and Hard work, So don't forget to leave a Like.. :)
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⭐ Best After Effects and Premiere Pro Templates:
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0:00 - Intro
0:11 - Welcome
0:18 - Preview
0:33 - Let's Get Started
1:19 - Creating Liquid
4:55 - Animating Liquid
6:03 - Adding More Liquid
8:47 - Creating Second Drop
10:00 - Adding Transition
12:44 - Animating Logo
13:39 - Creating Bounce Effect
16:22 - Important Note
16:37 - Final Preview
16:50 - End Screen
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#AfterEffectsTutorial #MotionGraphics