How Pro Youtubers Use AI To Write YouTube Video Scripts

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This is how to write a video script for youtube with AI. If you want to create online courses with ChatGPT check out this video:

This script template focuses on creating videos that get a lot of engagement and answer the viewers biggest questions. This leads to increased watch time and retention. All of this while saving tons of time creating your video script with AI tools like ChatGPT.

00:00 How To Write A Video Script For YouTube With AI
00:50 Leveraging AI as a Video Script Writing Tool
01:25 How To Use AI To Write A Video Title
01:55 How to Use AI to get YouTube video Title variations
02:29 Generating Video Script Ideas with ChatGPT
03:57 How To Use ChatGPT to Create A Hook For Your YouTube Video Script
05:21 How To Use ChatGPT To Outline A YouTube Video Script
05:58 How to Write A Video Script Section With ChatGPT
06:37 Content Generation for Each Script Section with ChatGPT
06:50 Fine-Tuning Your ChatGPT-Generated Video Script
07:15 How To Enhance Your YouTube Video Script With ChatGPT
08:28 YouTube Video Script Template
09:32 How to Use ChatGPT Custom Instructions For YouTube Video Scripts
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This was very helpful and similar to how I use ChatGPT to create other content. Breaking it down into each component is the key to getting AI to work for you and not be generic AI content.


Help me write a title for a video about "How to start a youtube channel" include a big bold claim but also make it sound like it is very achievable and possibly even easy. If you can add elements to make it sound new and exciting. Give me 10 variations.

Title Variations
I really like this one "The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to YouTube Domination" Can you give me 10 variations of this that are between 60 and 70 characters?

I have a video titled "The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to YouTube Domination" What questions do you think people would have when reading this title? What comes to mind for me first is:

Can a beginner Truly Dominate youtube?
Is this possible for me?
Does this work?
What other questions might they ask when reading this title?

Based on these questions I would like to draft an introduction and a hook for this video that uses these questions directly to let the viewer know they are in the right place and that I'm going to be answering their most pressing questions in this video. Even tease the content to increase retention so that people are excited to see whats coming and want to stick around and watch the entire video. Here are the questions I would like you to focus on in this introduction and hook Can I as a beginner dominate YouTube
"Is this guide suitable for all types of content and channels?" or "Will this guide help me grow my YouTube channel quickly?" "Are there success stories or examples of beginners who have achieved domination?"
"Is this guide up-to-date with the latest YouTube algorithms and trends?"
"Are there any costs or investments involved in implementing the strategies?"
"How long does it typically take to see results after following this guide?"
"Is this guide suitable for people with no prior YouTube experience?"

Can a beginner Truly Dominate youtube?
Is this possible for me?
Does this work?
What other questions might they ask when reading this title?


Ask to elaborate further
Here is the introduction for my YouTube video script. Can you give me a list of talking points for things I should talk about in this video. Here is the script:

These only address the intro. I want talking points for the body of the video script. I want you to give me talking points for the beginners guide to YouTube domination. For example, you will cover things first about how to choose a good niche. What niches this strategy works for. How to colte up with video ideas. How to write titles that get people to click. How to create thumbnails that get clicks. How to script great videos. How to create content buckets that keep people coming back. How to monetize your channel and make money from YouTube. Incorporate all these ideas into a list of talking points for this video.

Detailing out the first talking point
Ok, now right the words for the first section of the script :Choosing the Right Niche:
The importance of niche selection for channel growth.
Identifying niches that are suitable for your expertise and interests.
Researching niche demand and competition.
Niche Compatibility with Strategy"
Talk about how important it is to choose a niche that you're excited to talk about and have some knowledge of experience in. If you dont have existing knowledge or experience in it talk about how you must be willing to learn about it and create content about it. Talk about the strategy I'm sharing in this video works best for creators that want to create educational content. Then talk about how to do good research by finding popular channels in the niche, finding good video topics, using suggestions from YouTubes search bar and possibly even talk about using keyword tools like VidiQ and Tubebuddy.


Best video I've seen in this topic. Top notch!


deep dive video would be awesome! Thank you

Автор prove we have an edge over AI


Hello my friend, frankly, the video provided by you is wonderful and this is what I want, but I found a problem in this video, especially at the 5:20, as I was not able to understand the instructions that I requested from the GPT chat in order to develop this article or this script, if not. Do you have any discomfort? I just want you to provide examples of this type without speed, thank you


This video was so helpful! Thank you 😊


if the coverage does not have a consider or recommend how can you sell your scripts?


Can i use this format for writing a documentary script?


Can you help me make a video tutorial on writing a history video script using chatgpt. Thanks


Very useful, can you share the script?


I have a channel with a mix of A.I. and talking head with b roll. I mix it up.


Your video ideas are good the only improvement you need. Is a perfect mic. if you have not, try inhancing your audio with free Adobe audio inhancer.


It's all going this way but for me it'd for opportunistic parasitic losers I can use ai for everything. But I us my minds knowledge and experience, my character. If i like a youtube title or book etc. Why do I need those books or videos I'll just do it myself.
