30 MORE Things You STILL Didn't Know In Zelda Breath Of The Wild

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Another round of secrets you probably don't know about in Breath of the Wild! This time we dive into the secret weak spot of Guardian Turrets, E3 assets still existing in the game, and how to get a guardian to return to you like a dog.

In the video above, we cover 30 tips and tricks that aren’t quite as well known, ranging from secrets to glitches, some that are pretty simple and others that are fairly complex. Breath of the Wild has been out for four years at this point, and players have found some amazing things, intended or not, that keep the game and its sense of discovery feeling fresh.

0:00 Intro
0:14 Pet Guardian
0:46 Skyward Sword References
1:01 Game Engine Testament
1:18 Weapons Dont Break Against These Enemies
1:30 Unbroken Throw
1:48 Shoot Stal Skulls In The Ground
1:53 Explosive Barrel Damage Explained
2:17 Stalkoblin Weird Death
2:27 Deciduous Tree In Snow
2:38 Swift Carrot Rarity
2:52 Moblins Throw Hide Barrels
2:58 Horse Barriers
3:11 Rock Drop Table Rewards
3:36 AirWallForE3 Explained
4:10 Wolf Link Helps Find Items
4:19 Secret Rusty Broadsword
4:37 Funny Rock Name
4:55 Secret Apple
5:00 Bomb Throw Distances
5:04 Speedrunning Horse Friendship
5:15 Hyrule Castle Slide
5:26 Alternate Dialogue
5:38 Daruk's Protect Against Thorns
5:44 Switch Runes Through Pause Menu
5:54 Sheikah Slate Used To Scan HP
6:11 Stal-Lizalfos Have No Toungue
6:25 Nintendo Map Changes
6:32 Everyone Is Terrified Of Guardians
6:51 Parry Fire Chuchu Jelly
7:03 Guardian Turret's Secret Weakspot
7:26 Outro

#zelda #zeldabreathofthewild #gaudiranterets
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Thanks for watching! What was your favorite new thing you learned this time? :D


At this point, I think even Nintendo doesn't know as much as GameSpot knows.


this series is still gonna be going on when BOTW 3 gets announced💀


This was only round 6? Felt like we went through Phase 35 of the Things You Don’t Know In Zelda Cinematic Universe already!


Signs that a game is legendary: 4 YEARS of things you didnt know videos.


This just goes to show you how fun and never ending breath of the wild can be


I wonder what Nintendo would think about each of the secrets players found…
"See! I told you they’d notice!"
"Should we patch this in the sequel?"
"It took them 4 years to figure that out?"
"Oops. Did we leave that there?"
"Why do we bother to fix bugs and glitches if everyone’s inevitably going to break the game anyway?"
"I didn’t know Link could do that!" 🤣


I hope that botw 2 is just like this, we never stop discovering stuff


the fastest way to gain a horse's trust is by feeding it 5 apples. Max bond immediately.


I've been trying to kill skywatchers the wrong way for MONTHS. I feel so dumb.


i love this series because it feels like each video moves closer and closer to just becoming surrealist art, and we're all slowly descending into a really specific Zelda based madness together 🥰🥰🥰


Fun fact, if you bring a horse to kakariko village and bring it to the carrot farm, it'll eat the carrots, I recommend doing this early on if you want your horse to instantly love you, while saving materials


"Scanning doesnt sound fun"
Metroid Prime fans: What?


4:54 Who said BotW didn't have potatoes? That's one "pomme de terre" right here!


Don't know how I missed that the Wolf was helping find items. I just thought he liked to run ahead and provoke Guardians or sleeping Hinoxes while I'm clearly in stealth mode.


"How many things don't we actually know about BotW?"
"How many korok seeds have you found in your life?*


These videos are the death of new upcoming Zelda youtubers. Im glad Rinharasaki got a job at gamespot, but im not happy he gave up his entrepreneur route with his channel. I've barely seen new Zelda BotW videos by new youtubers who are willing to venture this game for secrets and glitches now that the mainstream big gamespot started doing zelda botw videos and summarize everything with no story or revelation attached to each glitch or secret. I used to get many emails from fans telling me they will start a botw channel and they did get traction, but not anymore these days. Also these tips are all taken from the community with no credits and used on a mainstream commercial youtube channel which i find wrong.


Boy, if botw is so full of little secrets and stuff, just imagine what botw2 could have...


Me: How many things did I not know about BotW?
GameSpot: Yes


I noticed pretty frequently how Ganon’s monsters feared and actively avoided Guardians. This can be especially observed in the Upland Zorana area when taking Mipha’s trial. During that time, there will be monsters camped out in the rocks there with several Skywatchers patrolling the area. One or two Watchers’ patrol routes fly pretty close to where the monsters camp and you can watch them from one of the high points as they frequently run in fear.

Another interesting note is that this behavior is not present in Age of Calamity where both monsters and guardians are seen marching and fighting alongside one another. It’s probably changed so that players will be challenged to face both enemies together at once in a single battlefield.
