Rules of Nature (RAY-mix)

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Heh, get it? "RAY"-mix? Ha ha...I don't get it and I made the joke.

So here you go, another boss mix from MGRR. This one took a hell of a lot more effort to make than the first one, because the way the song works during the boss fight is that it keeps fading in and out of the refrain of the instrumental version every time you go into Blade Mode to cut the armor or guns. So I had to make that transition sound at least somewhat coherent while still maintaining the flow of the song, and let's just say that involved a lot of...CUTTING around...

Dammit, where are all these puns coming from?! xD

In addition to that, this fight is a two-parter, so I had to determine what was the best way to bridge the two phases together. I ended up playing the end of Rules of Nature in reverse as a means of building up the second phase, and I'd say it worked out. It created a little bit of tension and suspense, too, which I liked.

All in all, I'm pleased with the final product. It was definitely more challenging than Collective Consciousness, but it's all the more rewarding to have finished it that way. I will say, though...I'm glad they went a little easier on the music choreographer for later boss fights. This one had to have been hell for him to edit together, lol.

"Rules of Nature" was composed by Jamie Christopherson, as a part of the OST for "Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance". I claim no ownership of the original works (the vocal nor the instrumental versions), but I do claim responsibility for creating this mix to better represent the boss battle that it accompanies.

Hope you enjoyed the mix! More to come eventually, if I get the drive and energy to do so.
Рекомендации по теме

-This is how to walk, this is how to attack, kill these enemies and slice the barricade.

-Decapitate the Metal Gear that just desitegrated 60% of an 8 floor building, ride rockets and slice another metal gear in half.


*Raiden* : Rides a rocket, suplexes giant Ray, runs down clock tower vertically and proceeds to cut ray clean in half...
"Let's see Snake do that!"


Some games can be a bit boring at the beginning, but damn, did Revengeance start strong.


*Scrolls through the comment section and sees sword puns*
BladeWolf: I understand your attempts at humor, I simply don't find them entertaining.


Other games:provides guides to the player the basics while managing the atmosphere
MGRR:Why not mix the tutorial with a boss that comes back another round


i swear i can hear the lyrics in my head in sync with the music. I think i listen to these OSTs way too often.


5:31 "Now, Raiden! Bring it down!"
5:28 "Stop that blade!"
5:38 "Yes, yes! Split it wide open!"
5:48 "Horosho! Very good! But do not rest easy just yet huh."


Game begins : “THE TIME HAS COME TO END!”

“Wow, what a game that was”


Now that's a pretty meme!


Raiden: *exists*

Ray: *angry metal screaming*


I wish they had a version on the album that transitioned from instrumental to vocal version.  That'd be much better than splitting it wide open.


All these sword puns are a cut above the rest. I'll take a stab in the dark and say these are some sharp minded people too. Slice of life I say. I should split, need to take a slash.


The longer it takes for the lyrics to kick in, the better it sounds. I have no idea why.


0:00 Raiden gets revealed to be in Smash Ultimate
2:09 Raiden uses his Final Smash
2:37 Smash trailer ends


0:00 "What They Have a Metal Gear Here?"
2:00 "Now Raiden Bring it Down!"
2:05 "Stop That Blade!"
2:23 "Yes, Yes, Split it Wide Open!"
2:36 "Horosho! Very Good! But Do Not Rest Easy just Yet, huh?"
2:54 "That Damn UG It Still Works?"
5:25 "Finish That Bastard Off!"


Part of the reason why this is my favorite remix of Rules of Nature is because it imitates how it sounds like when you fight the thing in-game, not unlike an "in-game mix", and I really dig those kinds of mixes

This also happens to be the 7th time I have listened to this in one day, and that's not counting the other versions of this song, help


That buildup kept me on my toes
and when I finally heard "RULES OF NATUUUURREE", I think I came a little


2:02 I love this part, I wish they made that tune go on for a little longer


"That damn UG.... it still works?!"
"Finish that bastard off!!"

Kudos to you on a superb remix, my good sir!
You've earned yourself another subscriber. 
Also, I like to see you take a STAB at A Soul Can't Be Cut at one stage.


These comments barely scratch the surface of the punabilities. They barely make the cut, a real close shave on most of them. Honestly, I think I can slice right to the heart of the matter. Oh well, not everything is carved from the same marble.
