F-16 Viper: How it Destroyed the Iraqi Army

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The F-16 played a massive role in the Coalition's air campaign during Desert Storm. Though initially conceived as a fighter, in an ironic twist of fate it became a premier ground striker platform during the operations against the Iraqi army and Republican Guard.
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- Sources -
Cohen, Eliot (ed.) (1993). "Gulf War Air Power Survey Volume 2 – Operations and Effects and Effectiveness", Washington, D.C.
Cohen, Eliot (ed.) (1993). "Gulf War Air Power Survey Volume 4 – Weapons, Tactics, and Training and Space Operations", Washington, D.C.
Cohen, Eliot (ed.) (1993). "Gulf War Air Power Survey Volume 5 – A Statistical Compendium and Chronology", Washington, D.C.
Hankins, Michael (2021). "Flying Camelot – The F-15, the F-16, and the Weaponization of Fighter Pilot Nostalgia". Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.
Simmonds, Bertie (2022) "F-16 Fighting Falcon", Tempest Books, Horncastle.
Paquin, Robert (1999). “DESERT STORM: Doctrinal AirLand Battle Success or #The American Way of War?’”, School of Advanced Military Studies United States Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Pyles, Raymond Q. and Shulman, Hyman (1995). *“United States Air Force Fighter Support in Operation Desert Storm”.* RAND, Santa Monica, CA.
“Operation Desert Storm – Evaluation of the Air Campaign”. United States General Accounting Office, June 12, 1997.
- Timecodes -
00:00 - Desert Storm
00:40 - Air Campaign Expectation
01:37 - American Workhorse
03:03 - Accuracy and Precision
06:10 - Smart Plane Dumb Bomb
07:10 - F-16 Ground Strike Demonstration
10:15 - Thrustmaster
11:14 - Effective Accuracy
14:17 - Y'all Have A Good Day
- Audio -
Music and Sfx from Epidemic Sound