Find total number of users in Active Directory

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Find total number of users in Active Directory

1. Prepare

2. Step by step : Find total number of users in Active Directory

- DC11 : Find total number of users via Windows PowerShell for Active Directory

+ Start - Windows PowerShell :

+ Find total number of users in Active Directory :

+ (get-aduser -filter *).count

+ Find total number of enable user account :

+ (get-aduser -filter *|where {$_.enabled -eq "True"}).count

+ Find total number of disable user account :

+ (get-aduser -filter *|where {$_.enabled -ne "True"}).count

Рекомендации по теме

Confirming that the count is only a reflection of only user excluding counting OU?


Thank you very much for the information.
I want to consult the following, as I can see the users locked in AD?
Is it possible to view the list of blocked users with a PowerShell command?
Thank you